Get to the Hospital now!

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Simons POV
We carried on walking through London still holding hands, I didn't even mind to much. We finished with our coffees a while back and had thrown them in the bin.

Many people pointed and laughed or whispered about us. And some came up to us, most of them was to ask for pictures or say their a big fan which we don't mind at all. But there were a few people who came up to us calling us names and saying some rude things, Jj was the one to tell them to piss of and because of his structure it kinda scared the kids which was funny.

We were walking home when a group of 10 kids who looked about 15 circled us. "Oi faggots" one of the boys yelled. Jj looked around realising this isn't going to be good. I felt myself tense up as I squeezed his hand harder. He looked at me then back up to the group. "Can you let us walk please" Jj asked. They all laughed at him. "Since when we're you gay?"  A short blonde shouted. "For a while. So what?" Jj said in a sharp tone. He pulled me closer. I didn't know what to do and my hands started shaking. "Can you just let us go" Jj pleaded. "Not yet" one of the boys said walking closer to us. I reached for my phone and dialled 999. I quickly said where we were then put my phone into my pocket. Everyone noticed and Jj became more anxious

"The fuck are you calling the police for. They won't be here by the time your dead" one of the boys shouted . He pulled a knife from his pocket and slowly walked towards us. "Jj!" I screamed. "What the fuck are you doing stop it!" Jj yelled walking us backwards. Jj let go of my hand and pushed me behind him.

Tears started rolling down my face as fear over took me. "You shouldn't have called the police" we were only gonna taunt you. But now we're going to get arrested unless we do something" another boy said pulling out a knife to. "The only thing you can do now is put the knife away and run." Jj said. They shook there heads, they were getting closer. And moving back didn't do anything. "Simon" he whispered. I was barely able to hear him. "When I say you run" I whimpered and they laughed. "Now" Jj yelled he turned around with me and pushed 3 of the boys.

They all started running after us as we ran. I kept running for a short time before I couldn't hear footsteps. I turned around and I was alone. Jj wasn't there. I grabbed my phone and the operator was shouting "what's going on?" "He let me run but he's back there and they have knives there gonna kill him" I cried.

"Who are you? Who are they gonna kill?"  "Me Simon and their gonna kill my boyfriend, he's famous. KSI!" The woman gasped. "The officers are almost there" she said. I hung up and ran back to where we were. Most of the boys had ran by now, just leaving two boys. One who had a knife and one who didn't.

Shit shit shit! I took a punch to the face. I swung as hard as I could punching one in the face, he got knocked out instantly. I turned to see Simon running towards me. "Simon No!" I shouted taking my eyes of the boy with the knife.

I felt a pain. An a instant pain. He, he.. He's just stabbed me.

I looked at him, he was shaking and crying he dropped the knife and ran, right as officers pulled up. I dropped to my knees. "JJ NO!" Simon screamed from a distance. Multiple officers ran after the boy, as paramedics ran to me.

I fell onto my back as I heard people speaking. I looked and saw Simon being held by two officers. "Let me go! Jj!" He screamed.

"Jj can you hear me?" A woman asked pressing something against where I'd been stabbed. "Yes" I said I gritted my teeth as the pain got worse. "We're going to take you to the hospital now do you understand?" I nodded. "Ok good" she replied lifting me into a board.

Simons POV
"Let me go! Jj!" I screamed pushing the two officers who was holding me. "Please he's my boyfriend" I yelled. "I know mate it's ok" one of the men who was holding my waist said. I stopped struggling and sobbed even harder. The hot  tears fell down my face.

They put him into an ambulance. "Let me go with them!" I shouted. "come with us, go in the police car we'll take you" one man said. I looked at him and nodded. "Let go of me please" I said. The two officers looked at each other before letting go.

I pulled out my phone and rang Josh my hands were so shaky. "Hey Simon-" I cut him of. "Jj has just been stabbed near the rose hill Cafe. He's in an ambulance go to the hospital now!" I yelled. "What the fuck-" Josh said. I hung up and got in the police car. This is my fault. All my fault..

If I hadn't had turned back around and yelled he wouldn't have stopped looking at the boy, he wouldn't have been stabbed. I wiped the tears from my face and gritted my teach harder. I felt sick, not even 10 seconds later I threw up in the car. One of the officers sighed and put his lights on.

It felt like years, before we got to the hospital. The two officers escorted me inside holding my arms. We  walked through the entrance and stood outside the door to the room he was in, the glass walls aloud me to see through.

There were around 7 people in that room all running around doing something. I let out a loud sob and Jjs head lifted up. "Jj! It's ok!" I yelled pressing my hand on the glass. The officer grabbed my arm and told me to stop shouting. "You can come sit in this room here." One man said pushing me towards a door. "No! My friends are on their way I need to see them!" I shouted swatting away the officers.

"Fine" one said walking away while the other kept a tight grip on my arm.

"Sir can you still hear me?" A man asked. "Yes where's Simon?" I asked looking around. "I'm not sure exactly where, but he's in the building" a woman said. "I was stabbed in the stomach right" "yes you were"  I rolled my head around and grunted. "Is it bad?" "It's definitely not good, but it's not severe. It didn't go in that deep so there shouldn't be to much damage." She explained "but the blood loss is the main problem at the moment"
I nodded. I passed out from the pain..

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