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Simon POV

We sat down at the table, and each grabbed a menu. I was sat next to Jj who was next to Tobi.

We were sat at one of those round booths things. I snanned through the menu before a waiter came up to us.

"Hello, can I start you of with some drinks?" He asked. All 7 of us looked and each other and nodded.

"Can I have a Vodka Coke please"
"And two more Vodka cokes please."

"Alright thell be out with your shortly." He said before walking away. "So lads. It's Christmas soon." Josh said excitedly.

"Calm down we still got 23 days." Jj rolled his eyes.
"Yeah it's only the second jeez josh." Ethan taunted. We all chuckled before looking back at our menus.

"Here's your drinks." He placed them all down and spoke again. "Ready to Oder?" We nodded and Josh started.

"Okay thank you, your food should be ready in about an hour." He said before walking away.

"Anyone for a beer?" Harry said smiling. We all laughed and nodded. "Ight I'll go get 'em." He said standing up and walking over to the bar.

"You alright?" Jj asked. He had noticed I had zoned out. "Hm yeah fine." I said looking back over at the bar.

"Si are you-" I cut him of. "Jj chill. I'm fine." I snapped. He turned away from me and started a conversation with the boys.

Soon after Harry came back holding a few drinks and a waiter with a few as well. He placed one in front of everyone and we thanked them both.

"Just don't get to drunk" Jj snickered. I laughed at him and started chugging my drink. This caught the lads attention, as they were all shouting and cheering. "Simon! Simon! Simon!"

There cheers made me drink even faster, and I looked at Jj who looked concerned. I finished the pint and started coughing. "Ay nice one lad." Ethan said laughing.

I smiled at him and pulled out my phone. I scanned through Twitter for a while.

Soon later, we had all finished our meals and were getting ready to leave. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom hold on" I said standing up from the table.

I walked into the bathroom, and did my thing. I washed my hands and opened the door to be met with Jj.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked walking towards me. "W-what do you mean." I snapped. He stopped walking and scoffed.

"You just downed an entire pint in a minute. You hate drinking." He said crossing his arms. "Well tonight i don't" I walked past him and out the door.

We had called some Cabs and were on our way to a club.


The rest of the boys, wanted to go out to a club. I only agreed because Simon seemed happy about it.

He was acting weird tonight, he was drinking and happy to go out clubbing. He never does that, like ever.

We walked into the club, Harry Ethan and Simon went straight to the bar and ordered some shots. I walked and sat down with Tobi.

"What's up w Simon?" He asked. I shrugged at him and pulled a face. "I dont know. And nor do I give a fuck anymore." I smirked.

He looked shocked at me. I stood up and walked over to some girls and started dancing with them.

"Ayyyy. What's your name?" Some chick asked. "Jj you baby?" She smiled and placed her hand on my hip. "Ellie." She said biting her lip.

"Well then Ellie, care to get a drink. I'll pay" I winked at her and she followed me to the bar.

Simons POV

"Whys Jj with a girl?" Harry asked. We turned our heads to see him happily chatting and drinking with some chick.

She was pretty, she was shorter than him had black hair and glasses. She had beautiful eyes and her dress was dazzling. I gritted my teeth at her.

"Another round!" I yelled slamming my hand on the bar. "Don't you think your going a bit quick?" Ethan yelled over the shitty music.

"Nah fuck of." I said laughing and having another 5 shots.

I looked up at Jj who was now grinding on this girl. My heart dropped as well as the glass in my hand, shattering it on the bar. "Hey!" The bartender yelled.

I got up and walked over to Jj. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. "W-what the fuck are y-you doing!" I stuttered. He looked and me confused. "Dancing mate." He snarled.

"W-with some girl?" I said stumbling on my feet.
"Simon you've had to much to drink. Go home" he said turning around.

"Wow. Just w-wow. You selfish little p-prick" I yelled at him. He scoffed and walked back over to the girl and continued dancing with her.

I walked over to Harry and pulled him towards me. "Mate get the fuck off" he said. I waited until Jj was looking at me, and I smacked my lips against Harry's.

He kissed me back, and soon enough Jj was pulling Harry of me and had his fist raised above his head shouting.

"Oi what the fuck Harry! That's my boyfriend! Are you actually mad! DO YOU HAVS A FUCKING DEATH WISH OR SOME SHIT!" He screamed.

Harry tried pleading, but it was to late. Jj landed a few punches at him before Ethan and Josh dragged him of him and pushed him outside. "Jj no!" Josh was shouting trying to push the heavy man out the building.

"You can't be hitting him no matter what he's done you bloody idiot!" Ethan said.

"Harry! I-I'm so sorry. A-are you ok?" I shouted holding his face. He waited a moment before looking up at me.

"I mean I got t-to kiss you so yeah I am." He winked at me. I let go of his face and pulled back.

It made me feel really uncomfortable. I didn't like Harry like that at all, and it seemed he did.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't actually like you-" I was cut of by Harry's actions.

He started kissing me and ran his hand up my leg. I pushed him of me and Tobi grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

"Fuck. Thank you Tobi" I said wrapping my arms around him. He waited for a few seconds before pushing me of.

"Simon what the he'll just happend!" He shouted. I shrugged and laughed. "Simon this isn't a joke! Harry just got punched in the face. You pissed of Jj. He's mad at Harry. And Harry was just running his hands all over you!" He shouted.

"I-i" I stuttered before tears stated streaming down my face. "I wanna go home." I said bluntly. "Me two mate." Tobi said holding my arm and walking me towards a cab.

We got inside and I cried hated thinking about what I just did. "Why do I have to go fuck everything up?" I said looking at Tobi.

"You made a mistake, that's all. You can fix it don't worry". His words meant nothing.

Think this ones crazy? Wait for the next. It's acc so sad.

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