Jj's nice side?

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Simon POV
I woke up to a knock at my door, "come in" I shouted. Jj walked in juggling 2 cases and a bag in his hands. He made a sort of shy smile. "O-oh thank you Jj!" I stuttered "no problem" he passed me the bags and asked where he should put the cases. "Uhh just there's fine" I pointed to the door outside my bathroom. He put them down and smiled. "So your all part of a group?" I asked trying start some sort of conversation "yeah there's six of us, but we're trying to find a seventh" he smiled. "Oh what do you do?" "Oh uhh" he stuttered "just challenge and other videos like that." I nodded. "We're getting a kfc want any?" He asked. "Sure" I stood up.

He walked out my room and I followed looking around. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, all four of us stood awkwardly. "Uhh hey thanks for letting me stay here" I said breaking the silence "oh no worries it's great to see you again" Tobi smiled. "I'm Ethan" one of the boys said reaching his hand out, I shook his hand and smiled. "And I'm Josh" he shook my hand. "You said their was six of you?" I asked looking around. "Ah yes Harry, he dosent live here, he sometimes visits and occasionally stays over. He lives with two other people about two hours away. And our other member is Vik he's currently out but he'll be home soon." Josh said. I nodded "so KFC?" Jj asked. Tobi laughed "all you ever want is chicken" he playfully punched his arm.

We ordered our food then walked into the living room, we sat down on the couch and Ethan handed us all Xbox controllers. "FIFA Simon?" A huge smile grew against my face as I took the controller from his hand.
"Yes!" I shouted with a fist in the air. "How are you so good?" Jj said in an annoyed voice. "I've been playing fifa for years and when I started my channel that was my one of my main focuses and well. All that practice has come in handy" I laughed along with Josh and Ethan.

We heard the door knock and we all got up, Jj walked towards the door as we all sat in the kitchen. He walked back in with bags of food. Mm smells so good, he put the bags on the table and smiled at me, he held his eye contact for what seems like forever. He eventually shook his head and passed the food to us.

A while later we had all finished are were chatting about video ideas. "Hey that a good one" Ethan said with a smile. I nodded, "What if he joined the sidemen?" Tobi said. I looked up, they were all Staring at Tobi. "That would be cool" I said scratching the back of my neck. I saw a glimpse of Jjs smile before he spoke "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad" they all looked Amazed "what?" He said with a low tone. "You basically just asked him to join." Ethan said. "So?" "Jj. You are never like this, your always a dick" Josh chuckled.

Jj made an angry look and stood up. "Me and Simon are engaged." He said while walking of. Great now I have to explain this to them, they all looked at me with a puzzled look. "What?" Josh asked "our parents need us to marry so their business can survive, without this my parents would go completely broke." I put my head into my hands. "Jj is a bit of a Dick, but when you get to know him he's a real nice guy." Tobi said with a half reassuring look. It didn't make me feel any better, "he's not been the nicest, but there have been their moments where I've seen another side." I looked up. Tears started filling my eyes as Tobi stood up, walked around the table and embraced me in a hug. Followed by Josh. "Thank you guys, I can tell yous are going to make it at least bareable" they smiled. At least they have my back..

Hey guys, I'm having so much fun writing this. I know I haven't introduced Vik or Harry into this yet but thell be in soon don't worry😌

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