Dont worry

841 17 2

Simons POV
I was scrolling through Instagram, when a message popped up. I opened it, it was from that Callux person.
"Hey I'm Callum, I'm friends with the other sidemen members and I'm in your next video with you. I was hoping we could hang out before the video to get to know each other?"
I read it through and smiled.
"That would be great I'm currently walking through some part of town near the house, I can send you my location and we can meet at a cafe?"
"That would work"

10 minutes later a man walked through the cafe I was sat at, he looked around till he saw me. A smile appeared on his face as he stood at the table I was sat at "Simon?" He asked. "Callux then" I said shaking his hand. He sat down opposite me. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm good thank you" I smiled

A waiter walked over to us, "what can I get you today?" He asked. "We'll have two full English breakfasts please" Cal said smiling. I nodded and the waiter walked away. "So what's the video we're even doing?" I laughed. "Oh some sort of try not to laugh" hm I guess that's what Jj meant when I he said "challenges and stuff" we sat talking for a while until our food arrived.

We finished about 20 minutes later and got up. "I'll get the bill" he said. "Oh no it's alright we can split it"  he shook his head and put a £10 note on the counter and pointed to our table. The woman at the till nodded at us and thanked Cal. We walked out the cafe and waved to each other as we parted ways. I called a taxi and within 5 minutes it was here. I sat in the back, closing my eyes as we drove through London. After a while the car parked outside the house.

I thanked the man and payed him. I walked through the door and remembered I had to take my bags to my room. I picked them up and struggled as i carried them up the stairs.

I opened the first case which was full of clothes, I emptied it out on the floor. I really needed some new clothes, I muttered picking a handful up I carried  them through my room into the closet where I hung them up. I repeated that until the first case was empty, I opened the second, it had my cameras, other monitor, and my Xbox. My computer was here before I came. I set them up and sat in my chair. By now it was around 3 PM.

I heard a knock at my door. "Come in" I shouted. Jj walked through and stood near me. "We're recording Tomorrow at 1. We're leaving the house at about 11 in a Taxi to go Cals house as he wants to film it at his" I nodded. "About last night, don't worry." He said before walking out my room.

What's don't worry supposed to mean exactly?Maybe he realises that I was just sad and didn't mean it. I turned my Xbox on and opened FIFA.


I knew I needed to say something about last night, but I wasn't sure what. "About last night, don't worry" was all I came out with. I turned around and walked straight out, I shut his door behind me and walked into my own room.

Don't worry? Really that's all you could come up with. I knew he didn't like me, and he only kissed me because he was emotional. But I wasn't sure if he knew I knew that.

I sat at my desk and took a deep breathe before turning on my camera. "Hey guys Whats up, it's your boy KsiolajideBt, back with another Reddit video"

I finished recording 15 minutes later. Eh I'll edit it tonight I muttered under my breathe. I stood up and walked out my room and down stairs. Josh was asleep on the couch so I sat next to him and put on the first show I could find. I opened my Instagram and looked at the comments on the picture I posted an hour ago.
"Jjs a faggot? Wow."
"Simons using Jj we all know that"
I didn't realise these were the comments. That's why Simon was so upset.

I heard josh grunt so I turned the tv up and started laughing as he woke. "Wow Jj your really a dickhead you know that right?" Josh said getting up, walking out the living room. Wow he can't even take a joke. I turned my phone of and lowered the volume.

This chapter dosent make to much sense, I'm not really sure what to put so imma go read some other fan fics and get some inspo <3

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