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(3rd person?)

it had been a few days, simon missed jide so badly but he couldn't show it. he spent his days in his room, drinking and playing video games.

the rest of the boys did pretty much the same, missing jj too. jide had posted to his instagram with a picture of him in a foreign country, but no one could be certain if exactly where. he seemed to be doing okay, despite leaving his boyfriend and best friends without a proper explanation.

simon was struggling with his self harm again, desperately wanting to fall back into his old habits. he started resulting to drinking, almost never being sober.

"tobi?" he called out, as he knocked on his door. tobi opened his door and smiled at simon. "what's up?" he asked, walking back through his room and sitting on him chair. simon took a deep breath, sitting down on tobis bed.

"i want to cut again." he sighed. tobi froze, remembering how bad simons addiction was in the past. "have you been clean from when we through everything out?" he asked.

"kinda." simon mumbled, playing with the strings of his joggers.

"well i'm still proud of you simon. i know you can get through this." tobi smiled. simon looked up at him, thankful somebody understood. "thanks tobi".

it was around mid january, simon was starting to cope without jj. the boys began filming videos again and living their normal lives again.

but just as simon was about to fall asleep, his phone pinned. he immediately opened his eyes, remembering the custom text tone he had set for jj. his heart dropped, he reached for his phone hesitantly. he saw jjs name and opened the message.
"simon, i love you. i'm dealing with something and i can't be at home. i will be back for our holliday i promise :)"

simon smiled, thankful his boy had finally messaged him. he jumped from his bed and ran downstairs to where the boys where watching a movie together.

josh looked at me, his face immediately becoming worried. "simon are you okay?" he blurted. i rubbed my eyes and smiled. "jj just messaged me, he's okay look" i said, passing my phone to the boys so they could read the message.

relief washed over us all, glad jj was safe. "only a few weeks until he's home then." tobi smiled.

"how about we all go out for a meal, nando's?" ethan asked, smiling. everyone agreed and soon they were walking out the door.
they decided it would be nice to walk to nando's, as it was cool and starting to get dark.

they chatted about their holiday to Canada, seeing what everyone still needed to buy and such. they stated debating if they were going to film in canada, or if it would be a proper holiday.

but soon they turned up at Nando's, got a booth in the back and sat down. they picked their favourites of the menu and chatted idly while waiting for their food.

they all got cabs home, and watched a horror movie together. josh and ethan falling asleep half way through. Simon went up to his room after the movie finished, he took a hot shower and then got into his bed. he picked up his phone and decided to message jj before he went to sleep.

"goodnight jide <3"

"goodnight babe."

so uh hey. it's been 7 months since this story was updated. i will be finishing this story. but holy shit, 10K reads?! thank you!!!
i already have next chapter planned out so please stay tuned!!!
all love <3 ~ raven

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