Chapter 28

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Rosie's POV

I wish it was me. I wish that I was the one in Matthew's place. Over the past couple of weeks, Matthew has stayed in the hospital having test taken on his lungs trying to have it heal faster, but it hasn't been healing any faster.

The day after we got married, Robbie and Chandler came to me in panic and said that Sophia, Sammie, Emma, and Steve are missing. I really hope that they are okay and that Andrew isn't doing anything to hurt them.

I know that Andrew took them. It is an Andrew move to try and cover up his tracks. Well, so far, he isn't really doing a good job.

Yesterday, Matthew felt too sick to do anything. All he wanted to do is hold me close to him and watch T.V. He never wants visitors. He doesn't really want people to see him this way. He has to wear a tube in his nose to help him breath, and he thinks it makes him look weak. For him being a guy, he doesn't want to look weak or show fear, but since we are married, he doesn't worry about showing fear around me.

I wake up before Matthew does. He is holding me close to him sleeping peacefully. I kiss his cheek softly, and that is what wakes him up.

"Morning" I said sitting up looking at the hospital room that we have been in for the last two months. Matthew starts to rub my back. "How are you this morning?" I ask.

"Like a million bucks." I look at him. He doesn't look pale anymore. He was sick with a fever which made him feel even worse than he already did. That was another reason why he didn't want any visitors.

"Do you think you would be okay with visitors today?" I ask.

"Yeah" said Matthew leaning up. He kissed me.

Later once I got the word out, both my parents and Matthew's parents visited. Although they came every other day to help and take care of us, they came and visited anyway to see him sitting up laughing and having fun.

Matthew's sisters visited. They didn't really stay for long, but at least they came.

Then the surprises came. While Matthew and I are playing card games, there is a little knock on the door. We both look and see a short, cute, and happy woman with a man about her age. There are six children surrounding the two adults. Matthew gasps lightly. "Amelia?" The women smiled. Amelia ran into the room and put her hand out to shake it. "Are you kidding? I am not an Elder anymore, so this calls for a hug!" said Matthew happily. Matthew pulls her into his embrace. "How have you been?" asked Matthew with a huge grin on his face.

"Not bad. I was called to the Primary leader, so I am amazing!" said Amelia in a rich Brazilian accent.

"Good, I'm glad. Oh, this is Rosie, my wife." Amelia looked at me and was about to shake my hand, but I pulled her in for a hug as well.

I start playing card games with Amelia's children as Matthew is talking to Amelia and her boyfriend. After about twenty minutes, there is another knock on the door. We all look at the door to see my surprise. It was Sarah and her fiancée. My gasp was a little more dramatic that Matthew's was when he saw Amelia. I jumped up and ran to hug her. It was normal to her because when I was on my mission, I was allowed to hug girls but not men, when the Elders couldn't hug any women, but they could hug men.

"How are you?" I asked Sarah excited.

"Fabulous! And you?" Her familiar accent makes me happy. I can't believe that it has almost been a year since I came home from my mission. That makes Sarah eighteen years old.

"I am doing wonderful!" We hugged for a little while longer. Then I realized where I was. "Umm, Sarah, this is my husband Matthew and the family that he met on his mission."

"Hello" said Sarah waving to them all. She walked up to Matthew. "So, you're the famous Matthew. It is wonderful to finally meet you!" said Sarah before hugging him.

Another half hour went by and they all left to see more of the downtown area. It was already eight o'clock so Matthew was ready to go to sleep. Once he fell asleep, I settled down with him happy for such a wonderful day.

Before I fell asleep, I heard a running pace come from the hall. Before I could get out of the door to see who it was, he showed up at the door, breathing heavily. I thought that I would never see his warm eyes ever again. "Steve?"

"You're okay! Thank goodness!" Steve walked farther into the room.

"I thought I would never see you again!" I got up and went to hug Steve. "Where have you been?"

Steve's smile fades once I ask this question. "It's a long story. You are going to have to wake up Matthew for this." I do so and Matthew reacts the same way I did. We all sat down ready for the story.

"Andrew kidnapped us. We all have been trapped in a storage closet for two months trying to find a way to save you. In fact, Matthew, we thought that Rosie was the one that Andrew would hurt, but one day he told us that it was you because Andrew's goal was to make Rosie miserable." Steve looked at me and grabbed my hand. He must have thought that he would never see me again too.

"So, where are the girls?" asked Matthew.

"They are still in there."

"Well then why are we here talking? Let's go get them!" I said.

"It's not that simple. Look, he might be listening right now, but he wants me to be the bait. He wants me to bring you two there so he could kill you" he whispered.

Matthew grabs my hand. I look at him. He looks scared. He looks at me and grabs my other hand.

Then an idea pops into my head. "He can't hurt us. He won't hurt us. He never will, because we have something that Andrew will never have friendship, hope, and God on our side."

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