Chapter 30

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This song is A Child's Prayer. It is a hymn song from my church. This version of the song is really special because the girl that you see at the end of the video had cancer. I know her and she is now cancer free. She had Leukemia. Her name is Ashtyn. She is a remarkable person and has been cancer free for almost two years. I am very proud of her and what she has achieved. I hope you guys like this song! It is sung by the acapella group, Vocal Point. They are from the college BYU (Brigham Young University). I hope you guys like this chapter! I love you guys! Please comment what you think!

Matthew's POV

I hold my oxygen tank behind me as Rosie is holding me close. We walk into the church where Rosie and Sophia grew up. That is where the funeral is being held.

Sophia was crushed by the fallen stone above the doorway. Chandler came right after she was crushed and never got to say goodbye. He cried over her crushed body for a very long time. It is really hard for him to be without his girlfriend. It would be hard for me too if I lost Rosie. It makes me feel blessed to still be able to hold her.

The people that are speaking at the funeral today are Chandler, Sophia's mom, and Rosie. Sophia's mom is going first. Then it will be Rosie, and then Chandler. Once the three speakers are done, there will be a musical number sung by Rosie, Sammie, Robbie, and I. Once the song is done, we are going to have an open podium for anyone who wants to say a few words to Sophia.

Sophia's mom talked for only a short amount of time. She mainly talked about how Sophia was her youngest and the only red head out of the three kids. She talked about what a wonderful daughter Sophia was and that Sophia will be dearly missed.

Rosie talked about our second date and how Sophia, Sammie, and Emma saved us. Although Bella was there too, Rosie doesn't really want to mention Bella if it was in senior year because she doesn't want to remember all of the horrible decisions that Bella made. Rosie also mentioned what a wonderful friend Sophia was. Rosie said that she can't wait to see her again.

Then it was Chandler's turn. "I am going to come right out and say it. Before she went missing, we went to Rosie and Matthew's wedding, and I was excited when I found out they were getting married when I came home from my mission. Weddings, as we all know, have a romantic atmosphere. And the reason I got excited was because I wanted to propose to Sophia." There is a sad silence as we all look at Chandler take a moment to cry. "I was going to wait until the dancing was done between Matthew and Rosie, but it only ended in chaos. Matthew was taken to the hospital, and I couldn't find Sophia anywhere. It turns out that she was only across the parking lot. Where she was during that time ended up being the last place she ever was." Chandler took another short pause. "My only regret is that I wasn't there to save her. If I was there to save her, then we would have been able to get married not long after. And instead of being here, we would have been in another romantic atmosphere. She means the world to me, and I wish that she was still here. I love her with all of my heart. But, as much as it hurts to have her gone, I know that I will see her again." Chandler steps down done with his speech.

Rosie, Sammie, Robbie, and I all stop up and sing Sophia's favorite church song that always made her feel happy and safe, A Child's Prayer. Once we were done, Rosie announced that if anyone wanted to say a few words to Sophia, they could.

Sophia's dad went up and talked for only about a minute. He talked about his wonderful daughter when she was little.

Sophia's sister and brother went up after that and talked about what it was like growing up with her.

Sophia's friend Shari came up and talked about the wonderful friendship they shared.

I was prompted to go up. I told everyone about Sophia's love and desire to draw. She loved cats and drew them all the time. I told everyone about the love of her cat Sasha. She kept saying that she loved how fat Sasha was. I also told everyone about the wonderful friendship we shared.

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