41: Better

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Pretty much just a filler chapter...you get a lil something in this one though 🙃 enjoy!

Gianna Romano

I sat in my room holding one of Devonte's handwritten cards in my hands. Running out of his room was not what had intended to be doing when I made my move, but when we got interrupted, it killed my vibe and made everything so awkward. I know it was no ones fault but that was a situation we should've never been put in. No matter what it's embarrassing as hell. I guess I'm just glad it was Andre and not one of my people because lord knows how quick word would've gotten back to my father. 

I read over the words open when you are embarrassed and couldn't help but think how ironic it was that there was such a card within the stack - mind you, there was a whole stack of cards with so many different topics and/or emotions. I let out a sigh and ripped the envelop open before pulling out the card and opening it up. My eyes roamed his handwritten message that immediately started to lighten my mood. 

Embarrassment lasts a moment, regret lasts a lifetime.  

If you're reading this then you are obviously dealing with embarrassment. My question to you babygirl is, are you going to regret what made you embarrassed? Probably not, right? I know you and you wouldn't let yourself be embarrassed for no reason or intentionally put yourself in such a position. This feeling will pass and you'll still come out the other side like the motherfucking boss you are. Chances are if you are feeling this way, it's all in your head and there is really nothing to be embarrassed about. So smile baby. Turn that frown upside down and keep living your life.  

I love you x

Bless that man's heart. I couldn't help the smile that graced my face as his words replayed over and over again in my head - so smile baby, turn that frown upside down and keep living your life. Maybe he's right, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. 

A few knocks at the door grabbed my attention. I tucked the card back into the envelope before putting it away with the rest of them, then getting up to see who had come to my room. Alexis stood in the hall with a huge grin on her face and she was glowing, something that had become very apparent lately. She looked wonderful!

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything, Em made this amazing dessert that you have got to try and I was hoping I could get your opinion on baby names."

I nodded my head. "Of course. Lead the way."

We went straight down to the kitchen and as soon as we stepped inside, my eyes landed on what Emery was plating up. It looked and smelt so good. Alexis and I sat down at the middle island. Emery smiled and slid a plate each towards us. I frowned when I saw that she didn't have one for herself.

"You're not having any?"

She chuckled and shook her head. "Chile, this is too sweet for an old woman like me. You young ones like your sugar though."

"We sure do." Alexis said with a mouth full of the chocolate goodness.

"Mmmmm you're lucky you're pregnant eating like that around me."

Alexis simply shrugged. "I can't help it. This baby just wants me to be a balloon. Actually speaking of the baby, I want you to hear the names I have been going through."

Both Emery and I stared at Alexis in anticipation. I know this girl has been writing down names since she found out she was pregnant, so I'm sure she has a lot.

"Well I don't really mind what I have, so I just wrote down names for boys and girls."

"Start with your girl names." I said and took a bite of this heavenly dessert.

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