22: Closer And Closer

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Two updates in one day again

Happy reading 😏

Two weeks passed by quickly and with each day that flew by, Devonte and Gianna got closer and closer; so much so that you'd find them together almost every hour of the day besides when it was time to sleep. They certainly had built upon their bond and whether they knew it or not, the people around them began to notice - even Jessica though it was much to her dismay.

Devonte's stitches had almost completely dissolved and his recovery had been going well. He was always well medicated and never missed any of the doctor's phone calls to see how he was doing since returning home. He'd gained back much of his strength and was back to his normal eating habits. He was so close to being back to optimal health and he put that all down to Gianna and just how much she'd been doing for him over the last fourteen days.

Gianna's stitches from the small cut she received had also been healing up nicely and were almost completely dissolved. Though it didn't give her any pain or bother her in any way, Devonte also made sure that while she took care of him, she took care of herself too - making sure she ate right, redressed her wound regularly and took the medicine provided that would prevent any possible infections. This was all looked over by Emery who would report back to her boss.

There had also been developments with the whole Tony situation. Andre and Jordan managed to kidnap the rest of his little friends and all were ready to be dealt with accordingly when Devonte said the word since Gianna had left it up to him. They'd agreed that all of them would die slowly and full of pain; it was a no mercy situation. No one does the things that they did and walks away free.

And speaking of Jordan, there'd also been a development with him too...he and Angelica were now officially a couple. It wasn't something that had been planned at all, but the feelings were there and they both finally decided to act upon them. They were a week in to being official and it had been the best seven days they'd spent together - getting to know one another on a deeper level. It certainly wasn't love just yet but it would get there over time.

That wasn't the only relationship that had blossomed. 

Roman had also made his move on Alexis after contemplating it for a while. Initially he had been speaking to someone else but as soon as Alexis came into his life, he cut that off real quick. They weren't officially together nor were they exclusive, but they had come to the agreement that they'd only see each other as they worked to becoming a full on couple. For the time being it was just spending quality time together that often led to sex but it wasn't just sex to either of them because though they weren't together, sharing such intimate moments with each other felt right; like they were made for each other. This was their little secret.

As for Constance, she had been attending counselling and getting the professional help she needed after finding out that she wasn't in fact pregnant like Tony claimed she was. Both Elena and Maria had been helping her through it all when Gia and Lex weren't around.

Everything was looking up. Who knew two weeks could change so much?

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Gianna Romano

"Come on you big baby," I giggled while watching Devonte scrunch his face up "don't stop now. You wanted to do this so you better finish."

We were currently in the gym. I was initially in here to watch over Von and make sure he didn't push himself too far but somehow I got roped into his workout. So here I am laying on his back while he does his push ups. He claimed the weight plates were too light for him now and that they got uncomfortable so he wanted me to get on his back. He's gotten out ninety seven out of the hundred he set for himself yet he's already giving up. He groaned and put his head back down before getting out those last three push ups, then he collapsed onto the mat and let out a sigh of relief.

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