34: Numb

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This chapter will be set out a little differently than the rest. I wanted the whole thing to be in Alexis' POV but I also wanted to add in flashbacks that were in an omniscient POV so hopefully it doesn't get confusing.

Enjoy my beautiful people ❤ sorry for the delay!

Alexis Wilson

Today is the day we lay Roman to rest.

It's been over a week since Calogero broke the news to everyone and my heart has been cracking slowly, more and more as each day passes. He and I grew so close over the time that he was in my life. He became my best friend. And then lover. I'm sure we would've been more if we'd just gotten the chance. I saw him in my life forever - he just gave off those vibes that I'd never received from anyone else before. He'd be my husband someday and I'd be his wife, the woman who would bare his children and take care of him. Now I'll never get to know what feeling that would be like. 

I know it seems like my feelings for this man came in a rush but everything about him was so different...so perfect. 

Coming to Italy was something I was worried about. It's foreign territory and we were once the enemy of the mafia so I wasn't sure about how anyone would react to us. On top of that I was an emotional wreck. Thankfully everyone has been so supportive and they've done their best to try keep my spirits bright like Roman would've wanted.

My heart aches for him though. I wish I could've gone with him so we could be together, but God clearly has other plans. It's hard to keep the faith right now but I'm trying my best to trust in the man above because he only gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. I know there is purpose for me after I come to terms with the fact that the man I was growing to love is now gone, but it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

I shifted my gaze from the grass to the woman standing before me; Vittoria. She is very much like Emery and gives off pure motherly vibes - something that I definitely have been needing. She's been keeping me well taken care of the past week and I'm extremely thankful for that because if it were up to me I'd lock myself up in my room and cry until I couldn't anymore.

"I..I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like I lost a piece of myself."

She sighed and took a seat next to me. "I know how you feel, I was the same when my ex husband passed away. It may take a long time for you to completely feel better about things again, but you'll get there. You just need to know that he is with you forever in your heart and no matter what, he's always going to be close by. He's your angel now."

"I just wish we could've had more time."

"I know dear but you need to look at the time you got to spend with him. Those are your memories to keep. Appreciate all the little moments you two got to share." She said softly before reaching over and grabbing my hand, giving it a light squeeze. "It'll get easier with time, I promise you that. For now though we have to get going. Everyone is ready and waiting."

I gave her a weak smile and stood to my feet. Vittoria did the same. I followed behind her as we weaved through the house until we were out the front where several cars were lined up. The guards led me to the car I'd be in which I happened to be sharing with Gianna, Devonte and Elena. I instantly started to cry upon seeing Gia - she was cuddled up to Von, sobbing. I guess it had really hit her now that he was gone.

Today is going to be harder than I expected, I can feel it already.

_ _ _

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