2: New York

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I wasn't going to publish another chapter so soon, but fuck it..enjoy lol!

One Month Later..

"And classes are going good sweetheart?"

"Yes papa, everything's fine."

Mateo chuckled. "Alright, I just had to be sure. You know I only want the best for you."

Gianna smiled as if her father could see her because what he had just said was one hundred percent true. She'd always had the best of the best in every aspect of her life and her father was the reason for it. He made sure she was sent to the very best schools and that all her needs were met. He never wanted his daughter to want for nothing, he felt he owed her at least that much because of the life he had and the life that Gia was automatically born into. She'd never be a normal girl.

"I know and I'm grateful for that."

"Anyway, I should be leaving you now. I'm sure you have more exciting things to do than speak with your old man."

Gianna giggled. "I don't mind talking with you but I did get invited to this party, so I have to get ready for that."

"Party?" Mateo said suddenly and in an uneasy tone. "Who's party?"

"It's a fraternity thing that one of the girls invited me to. Don't worry, she assured me it wouldn't be too crazy, it's just freshman too."

"Mmm I trust you princess but keep your eyes and ears open and if anything, anything suspicious happens to you then call one of the men to come get you."


"I'm serious Gianna."

"I know papa. I'll be careful, I always am."

"That's my girl. Let me know that you got home safely and we'll talk soon."

"Ti voglio bene papa."

"Ti voglio bene mia bella, bye."

The call disconnected and Gianna sighed. She missed her father a lot but she'd adjusted to life in America well. He'd bought her an apartment, more so to assure her safety more than anything else, and he would regularly send money to her bank account - "pocket money" as Gia would put it since she'd been investing in things since she was thirteen and had a large amount of money already. He'd bought her a car so that she could get herself around as well as allocating her a driver in case there were days that she didn't want to drive.

Literally everything had been well taken care of. It had to be otherwise she wouldn't have be allowed to embark on this new journey.

Gianna fixed up the office/study and then went ahead to shower and prepare for the party later this evening. She slipped on her bra and thong before wrapping herself up in her robe and beginning to do her makeup. She was halfway into her routine when the doorbell rang.

Quickly she put down whatever she was using in that moment and practically ran to the door. She peered through the peephole and saw three of her friends - one that had come with her from Italy and the other two who she'd met upon starting at Columbia. She unlocked the door and pulled it open, instantly being attacked with hugs.

"Of course you aren't ready yet." Elena giggled and turned to Alexis and Maria who looked defeated. "And that means you two owe me a crisp twenty each!"

"Not fair, you've known her for years!"

"Yet you still made a bet with me." Elena laughed again.

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