3: Aftermath

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The following morning Devonte sat in the kitchen of his eight bedroom house he owned out here, sipping on a much needed coffee and going through different documents on his MacBook. When they'd arrived home last night he'd gone straight to change his clothes and went to the home gym to work out all the anger he was feeling. He needed to get it out and it was best that he did rather than bottle it all up otherwise he was likely to snap on an innocent person.

"Good Morning Mr Wilson."

He looked up from his laptop to see one of the maids smiling at him. He rolled his eyes and continued reading. This particular maid Jessica was one of the younger ones. She indeed was a good worker and did make the house look immaculate but her work was often overshadowed by the fact that she had the biggest crush on her boss; Devonte. Whenever he was around she would do anything to try and gain his attention. He of course noticed and knew what she tried to do, so he would always shut it down. He'd never go there with one of his employees anyway because you never mix business and pleasure, but the girl just wasn't his type either.

"Can I get you anything Devonte?"

He frowned and stopped what he was doing, this time partially shutting the lid to his laptop and staring back up at Jessica. Her voice alone was enough to irritate him, especially after everything she'd tried in the past. He'd thought about firing her but that came with a price because of who he is - once you were in there was no backing out. Devonte had to trust you fully to let you go and even then, you'd still leave with a serious threat against your life if you ever were to blab.

"What did you just call me?"

She shuddered a bit. "D-Devonte."

"It's boss or Mr Wilson to you. Don't call me by my government again, understood?"

His stern tone alone made the poor girl tremble, not even taking into account that particular look in his eyes.

"Y-yes sir."

"Good. Now go wake Jordan and tell him to come down here."

Jessica quickly scurried away to do as she was told while Devonte went back to work. Ten minutes later Jordan came walking into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He stopped in his tracks when he saw his big brother already watching his every move.

"Come sit."

Not wanting to anger his brother any more than he had done last night, Jordan did as he was told. He took the seat beside Devonte and rested his hands on the marble countertop. It was silent for a few minutes as he watched his brother log off his laptop and close the lid before finally gaining enough courage to speak.

"Von, I'm sorry about last night. It was stupid of me to disregard business and possibly put your name in a bad light. There is no good excuse for my actions and I should've told you if I didn't want to do it so that you could've organised someone else instead of letting the information slip away from us."

"Yes you should've. As your big brother, I owe you an apology too. I lost my cool at that party and I embarrassed you in front of your friends because of the anger I was feeling. I'll do my best to make it right." Devonte said sincerely. "I've calmed down now and have settled with the situation. You're lucky too because the crew were able to figure out that the information you were sent to get would've been inaccurate. That still doesn't mean I'm not pissed at your actions, but I'm at peace with it."

"Did you..did you mean what you said last night? You know, about rethinking me being in the business?"

Devonte sighed. "I'm still stuck on the fact that you would bail on a mission like that for a party, that is something that should never happen Jordan. Ever."

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