26: Broken and...Betrayed?

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It was going on four in the morning, generally the time when everyone was still asleep, but in the emergency room of the hospital it was a different story.

Jordan had been rushed in here hours ago and since he'd been wheeled straight into surgery, his family hadn't heard anything since. Alexis sat sobbing uncontrollably; she was a total wreck and had every right to be as they'd been informed her cousin might not make it. He'd lost so much blood and doctors were concerned that he wouldn't last during the operation. Next to Lex was Angelica who was also sobbing her heart out. She didn't want this to be true. She'd only known Jordan a short time and they'd only been official for some weeks but it didn't mean she didn't care for him any less - he was her entire world and she'd truly fallen for him. Devonte sat on the other side of Alexis with tears running down his cheeks too. He couldn't lose his baby brother, he just couldn't. Losing his dad and not having his mom around anymore was hard enough, but losing his brother would be the one thing that shatters his heart for good.

The automatic doors slid open and Emery entered the emergency waiting room, followed by Jessica who was holding a large basket full of blankets and food. The woman was also shedding tears of her own. Jordan was like a son to her, just as Devonte was. She'd built a relationship with his from the moment he stepped into the Wilson household as a ten year old boy. When Lucius or Dorothea weren't around the boys were always in her care and it pained her to know that the youngest of the two was now fighting for his life and might not make it to live another day.

"My boy." Emery choked out and opened her arms to Devonte who gladly stood up and walked into them. "I'm so sorry my darling. He doesn't deserve this, any of this, but we have to have faith. God doesn't hand tough battles out to just anyone. Jordan is strong, you and I both know that. He's a fighter. He won't give up easily."

Instead of responding verbally, Von simply nodded his head and let Emery hold him for a few more minutes as they cried together. When they pulled away they both noticed a doctor walking their way.

"Family of Jordan Wilson?"

Emery wipes her tears. "That's us sir."

"Well the good news is, Jordan is in a stable condition. He lost a lot of blood but he is okay. The bad news is, there was a fragment of bullet that went into his leg. It hit one of the major ligaments upon impact. This has caused him to be immobile in that leg for some time, for how long we are not sure just yet but it's likely to only be temporary, we just have to wait and see. When he gets out of here then he'll be in a wheelchair and will be physical therapy for at least six months."

"Thank the lord." Emery said and much to the doctor's surprise, wrapped her arms around him and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you doctor."

"It's no problem ma'am."

Angelica stood up from her seat. "C-Can we s-see him?"

"We need to monitor him closely for the next hour but after that you can. I'll show you up to the family room on his ward where you are more than welcome to wait. It's a lot more comfortable than this."

Relief washed over everyone - even Jessica who was very worried about Jordan. He was a light for everyone with his bubbly and outgoing personality and if they were to lose him, they'd all be losing a piece of themselves too.

The doctor led all five of them up to the private ward where Jordan was and took them straight to the family room. Because it was private it was a lot more cosier than any normal hospital family room, not that it really mattered to any of them, they were just glad that Jordan was alive. Emery sat down with Alexis and Angelica to make sure they ate some of the food she'd prepared for everyone. Devonte, who was in no mood to eat, sat down in a chair in one of the corners. His mind was racing with several different thoughts and he was feeling way too many emotions to process. Jessica noticed him all by himself and quietly walked over, taking a seat beside him.

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