11: Coming Together

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Y'all are gonna love this chapter 😂

Gianna Romano

"My father has informed me that you all know what we are about to embark on. There is to be no funny business. Devonte and his team are going to be working with us and he and I are going to be overseeing everyone. So when we get into this meeting you are all to act accordingly. Show respect to Devonte and do not speak unless you are spoken to. If anyone crosses the line, I will personally deal with you myself. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am." All the men replied in unison.

"Good. Now split off into the cars and remember what I have said because that is your one and only warning."

They all did as told and quickly scurried off to the cars. Roman, who had been standing beside me the whole time, busted out laughing at their reactions. So they should react like that. I may be a woman but I will not be labelled as weak, not when I am a Romano. I am like my father - we take charge in every situation, explain what is expected and delegate accordingly.

"Mmm you better quit laughing before I order your ass around."

He held his hands up in defence. "Don't start on me, I'll hack your bank account and take all your money."

"And I'll chop you up and feed you to the pigs."

"Yup, you do have Mateo's aggression."

"Yeah so be quiet and get to driving, that's an order honey."

As discussed with Von on the phone, we were having a meeting today to bring both crews together. The two days had gone by quickly for me and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm even more determined to complete my mission. My stitches are healing up nicely and they'll get taken out in a few weeks time - not that anything so small will ever stop me.

I'd intentionally made this meeting for after my father leaves because I know he's still not fond of Devonte. He may have said that he was fine with us teaming up as well as him letting the past go, but I know he still doesn't trust him which is why he told me to be careful and to watch my back. I can't blame him for that though, the rivalry between the two crews goes way back and it's only valid that my father would be weary. I think if I'd have known Von was an enemy then I would've been the same from the jump. Hell, I probably would've offed him then and there without a second thought. But after what he did for me that day and the few days that followed, I trust him. He basically helped a perfect stranger and that proves to me that he does have feelings - he's not always the cold man I bumped into at that party.

"So what exactly is this meeting all about? I still don't understand."

I couldn't blame Roman for not understanding, he's a tech guy and not always on the scene like everyone else. He's more of a behind the scenes guy but he's got one of the most important jobs in this life. I sighed and gave him a quick rundown of what happened and how everything will come together.

"Damn. That's a small fucking world."

"Tell me about it."

"So this Devonte dude, what's he like? I mean he clearly isn't a total brick wall if he did all that for you, but tell me about him."

I shrugged, not knowing exactly what to say. "He's got the coldest stare but I've only ever seen it once. His eyes are mysterious but gorgeous at the same time. He laughs a lot. He has a great smile. A million and one tattoos. Great facial hair and-"

I paused when I saw the look on Roman's face as we came up to a red light. He had this weird look on his face and it was honestly freaking me the fuck out.

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