5: Information

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There are chapters that are going to be shorter than others, some half the size. 

Just over twenty were already written before this story was published, so just know that if there is a short chapter, it is made up for in the next or I felt that there is no need to make it long and unnecessarily drag it out.

Hopefully you are enjoying this story!

Happy reading ❤

The girls all sat in their pyjamas in the living room of Gianna's apartment. They'd decided to keep the positive vibes up and have a sleepover with all the works - all the snacks a person could imagine and so many different types of movies. They were all in attendance..well, all except Alexis. She'd already confirmed that she was coming but she wasn't there yet and that made all the girls wonder.

"This bitch better hurry her ass up otherwise we're watching her favourite movie without her and I'm eating all of those Cheeto puffs."

"Maria!" Constance screeched before busting out laughing.

"What? I don't give a fuck, she's always preaching about being on time yet where is she? Not fucking here!"

They all burst in fits of laughter. Maria was bold and definitely really lively around the people she was close with - especially when it came to Alexis who was the more outspoken one of the group, she was one to say it like it was no matter how blunt she may sound; she was honest one hundred percent.

Less than two minutes later the apartment door opened and closed making all the girls zip their mouths shut. They could hear sandals slapping against the hard wood floor coming closer and closer to the living room. When Alexis appeared in the doorway wearing her slippers and nightclothes, they all glared hard.


"Um where the hell were you for a start?!" Maria quickly said. "We've been waiting for ages for you to show up and your only just coming in now."

"First of all, your spare key Gia." She giggled as she handed off the key and took a seat next to Constance. "And to answer your question I was with my cousin. He's out in New York for a little while and I haven't seen him in the longest. We got carried away making food, I lost track of time. Forgive me?"


Elena covered Maria's mouth. "She does."

"Now that that's settled, let's start the movie." Constance giggled and pressed the button on the remote, starting the first movie of the night.

The girls were in the middle of their third movie when Gianna's phone started ringing. She was quick to grab it and when she saw that it was Roman calling, she excused herself and went out onto the patio. Constance, Maria and Alexis all wondered who it was so Elena made the believable cover story that it was Gia's father. Of course the girls believed her and continued watching the movie. It wasn't that Gianna wanted to hide this from any of them, she just didn't want to get them caught up in this life and in the type of business her family was tied to because once in the only way out was death...or in special cases a take away of responsibility but the person is still tied in somehow.

She answered the phone and put it to her ear. "Please tell me you have good news."

"I'll ignore the fact you didn't say hi because I know how important this is to you princess, but yes, I have good news indeed."

"Lay it on me Roman."

"I hacked the cameras in that house. It was a huge house, so cameras were inevitable. From the looks of it there were five guys in that room when the punch was being made and something was definitely slipped in there, a powdery substance from what I can see. Those same five all went upstairs at some point in the night too and the very first one had gone up with a girl, the others went up one by one after him - about ten minutes apart from each other."

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