25: Mafia Headquarters

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Be prepared for the unexpected..

The convoy of cars pulled up outside the Italian Headquarters that sat perched on the side of a single mountain top, overlooking the beautiful city of Florence. Though only a quarter of the house could be seen from the outside, it was still obnoxiously large and quite possibly larger than Buckingham Palace itself - for safety purposes, the remainder of the house had been built inside the mountain and multiple different escape routes had been built underground for the unlikely event of an attack. The property itself was enormous but was always well kept and of course, always well protected with guards stationed all around the premises twenty four seven. And the numbers of those guards had only increased now that Gianna was back home.

Emilio, Giancarlo and Mateo exited their car first. Vittoria who had been waiting impatiently for them to arrive greeted the three men before her attention turned to the other blacked out car when its passenger door opened. Adriano stepped out and greeted the woman immediately; just like Gianna, she'd been around to take care of him too. Then he walked to the back door of the car and opened it up. Elena got out first followed by Gianna who seemed to be in better spirits from the outside but on the inside her emotions and feelings were still picking at her.

"Oh my Tesoro! (Treasure)" Vittoria said happily and walked quickly to Gianna, pulling her into her arms. "It hasn't been the same without your cheeky little self here. I've missed you dear."

Gianna couldn't help but smile. "I missed you too Vittoria."

She clung to the woman who'd helped raise her tightly, never wanting to let go. This was definitely the hug she needed right now - a hug that was motherly and full of love, and more importantly, reassurance.

Mateo had halted his talking with his right hand man and Elena's uncle to watch the scene unfold. He'd always been in awe of Vittoria and how well she took care of his beloved daughter. She had stepped in for his little girl and helped provide her with the tools she needed to develop into the beautiful young woman she'd become today. Apart from Gianna's mother, he had never met anyone so selfless and someone so naturally loving and caring. Vittoria was a breath of fresh air and had seemed to fit right in to the family.

"Oh and my dear Elena!" Vittoria cooed, pulling away from Gianna and pulling Elena into her arms. "How have you been sweetheart?"

"Fine apart from this current situation, thank you Vittoria. I've missed home a bit if I must admit."

The woman giggled. "Well you're here now and I made sure to prepare all yours and Gianna's favourites."

"Excuse my language but you are a fucking legend. American Italian is simply not the same and no one over there seems to understand!"

"Oh don't I know it dear. You go on ahead and make yourselves a plate." Vittoria said, smiling warmly. "You too Adriano, Emilio, Carlo, boss."

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Adriano said and quickly rushed inside behind the girls.

Emilio and Giancarlo laughed but followed in behind Adriano, leaving Vittoria and Mateo standing outside the house alone. A smirk danced onto Mateo's face as he walked over to Vittoria and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his embrace. She blushed at the action and nuzzled her face into his chest, inhaling his heavenly scent. He chuckled knowingly and gently raised her head by placing his thumb under her chin. They smiled at each other before he leaned down and pecked her lips several times making her blush some more. With her hands rested on his chest, she stood on the tips of her toes and stole one final kiss before asking the question she'd been longing to know the answer to for some time now.

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