17: Intensive Care

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I try not to update twice a day unless I'm feeling REALLY generous 😅 but I was just informed that I have to be at work earlier than normal and I catch the bus, so I have to leave my house before 6:30...I know I won't have time to publish a chapter in the morning and by the time I get back home I will be focusing on my final assignment for the year, so I decided to give y'all another update today.

If I have time to when I get home tomorrow then I'll still publish another chapter!

Y'all better vote and comment on this one

"Gianna you shouldn't be in here, you need to be resting yourself."

"One small cut isn't going to hurt me."

Alexis sighed. "Gia I'm serious."

"And I'm even more serious. Look at me. I'm standing here breathing, talking and walking around perfectly fine. Now look over there at your cousin. He's laid up with multiple stab wounds and he can't even breathe by himself right now. I was in that room with him when it happened and I'm not about to just sit up in that room when he's in this state."

"Okay fine, just take it easy please."

The girls took a seat in the sofa by the window and the room fell silent once again. Jordan was sitting in the seat closest to Devonte's bed and the others sat outside. It'd been like this for the last three days since the interrogation after everything went south.

Tony had a blade hidden somewhere on him and when Devonte had yanked him up off the ground, he'd put it to use, stabbing Von several times in many different places with the little strength he did have left. It all happened so fast. Gianna acted as quickly possible and didn't hesitate to lunge at Tony who was quickly to turn on her. The two began to full on fight, all the while Jordan tended to his brother who was going in an out of consciousness. Because Gia had been so well trained, she overpowered Tony with ease and knocked him unconscious right after he'd managed to slice her across the stomach - it hadn't been a deep cut but it was enough to make her need a few stitches. They rushed Devonte to the hospital where he was taken into surgery and when he came out, he was in a coma and placed in ICU.

His right hand man Nasir had been informed right away and had stepped in to take care of everything and would be coming to New York later that evening. He'd be meeting with Gianna and they'd be discussing what would now happen to Tony who was being held at one of the mafia quarters out in the woods. After all, the two groups did make an agreement and that agreement wouldn't be up until their target was dead.

Gianna's father had been ready to hop on a plane to get his daughter and bring her back to Italy. He wasn't happy at all at the fact that she'd been hurt but once he'd heard the full story, he understood fully and after speaking with Gia and Roman, made the decision to let her handle things how she deemed suitable. He was just content to know that his baby girl was okay.

"Gianna, do you think he'll be okay?" Jordan asked, breaking the silence. "I'm sure you've probably seen stuff like this before, that's why I ask."

"It's hard to say Jord. These things go one of two ways and it's always hard to tell. But you're brother is strong and he's continued to fight since it initially happened, hell he was trying to get up while half conscious."

Jordan chuckled and shook his head. "That's typical for my brother."

"He's a fighter from what I can see and I have a feeling he will be just fine."

The three remained in Devonte's room for several hours, right up until Gianna was discharged both Roman and Andre came to get her - the other girls had gone home by then. They took her to her apartment so she could shower properly and then dress in a fresh set of clothing for her meeting with Nas. Andre also took the time to quickly brief her about Nasir and certain things to avoid because he could be a lose cannon when provoked, sometimes getting even deadlier than Devonte at his worst.

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