30: Saved

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Calogero (kuh-loh-jer-oh) drove through the streets of New York, following the directions to the destination Alexis had given him over the phone. While he'd been on the phone with Adriano, their sister had texted Alexis his number and told her to call him - which she did. He didn't want to deliver the bad news over the phone, especially because he'd been informed that this girl wasn't just anyone to Roman, so she'd sent him a location to meet her at. 

Little did he know it was the trap. 

When he pulled up outside the building, he immediately noticed the young black woman standing in between two armed men. A precaution, clearly. After all they didn't know him or what he looked like. He got out of the car and was immediately approached by one of the men. Calogero studied this person like he'd been taught to do; he had tattoos all over from what could be seen, including a cross tattoo that was on his forehead in between his eyebrows, and it was easy to tell that this man was involved in the street life. Though to outsiders it probably wouldn't be. 

Andre looked Calogero up and down as he got closer and closer to him. He certainly didn't look like a person who'd be in the mafia, but then again, who did? Gianna certainly didn't. When he got right in front of Calogero, he squinted his eyes a little.

"You're Elena's brother?"

Calogero chuckled. Clearly the guy didn't know how to pronounce his name, like most people, which is why he typically went by Cee. Only in formal settings or around certain family and friends did he use his full name. 

"Si (yes). I'm Calogero Antonelli but you can call me Cee."

"Damn, and I thought Americans had some interesting names."

"Andre you can't say that!" Alexis scolded.

"Ignore her loud ass man. I'm Andre Taylor." He shook hands with Cee before leading him over to where Devonte and Alexis stood. "This is my boss Devonte and his cousin Alexis."

Von stepped forward and shook hands with Calogero. "Despite the circumstances, it's good to meet you."


"Wow, you and Lena actually look similar." Alexis giggled and hugged Calogero. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," he replied before pulling away "although I don't know if it will be so nice after I tell you the news I have."

Devonte sighed. "Come inside, we'll discuss there."

The four of them made their way inside. Of course their new friend caught the attention of some of the men because they had no idea who this was but he more so caught the attention of the females that stood around counting money and bagging up product. They all liked what they saw, and who wouldn't? He was tall, well built, dressed well and was extremely handsome. He noticed their stares and little whispers between each other but ignored it. He was used to it and it didn't phase him at all. 

When they reached one of the meeting rooms, Devonte closed the door behind all of them before they all sat down around the table. Anxiousness set in for Calogero. He didn't want to ever be the bearer of bad news but this was something he had to do. They deserved to know, especially Alexis. 

"So what is it that you have to tell us?" Von asked and rested his hands on the table.

"I don't even know how to say this. I'm still trying to process it myself." Calogero said slowly and took a deep breath. "It's Roman-"

Alexis sat up. "Roman?! What about Roman?" 

"I'm so sorry to have to tell you this. He's dead."

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