31. Boys Suck

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Katie took a deep breath. This was it, this was the moment she would do what she wanted to do.

With a determined look, she marched to Travis' room and knocked the door. He came out looking confused, wearing some loose pyjamas.

"Travis," she practically announced.

"Yes..?" He asked, a quizzical look on his face, but she could see a small smile.

Katie faltered for a second, but spoke nonetheless. "You see...Silena and Beckendorf made me realise...life is short and that you should spend it with the person you love because it's unpredictable as well..."

Travis nodded, gesturing her to continue. He was grinning.

Wait..... Connor!!!!

"Really Connor ?! Where's your brother ?", Katie scolded.

"Right here," Travis said from right behind the door.

"So....I'm gonna leave you two to it....but remember protection brother !!" And Conner Stoll, ran away.

Travis groaned as he turned to Katie and smiled, "So you were saying...."

The sight of him made Katie's confidence flicker, but she stood her ground.

"So I'm guessing you heard all of that....." Katie began.

Ugh! Why not? she thought as she lunged at Travis, kissing him with everything she had. His arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her closer.

She broke apart and blushed, Travis looked like he had just won a medal.

"I want to spend my life with you," she said finally.

Travis' smile faltered and he stepped back. His eyes shone with sadness and something else she couldn't recognise.

"Katie.." he whispered. "I...I can't"

Katie just stood there, she felt as if the walls were closing in on her, weighing so hard on her that she couldn't breathe.

"I understand," she croaked out, before dashing away.

She ran to the garden,to a tree. She climbed up it and cried. How could she have been so foolish? So blind ?

What happened to all the all "you'll be my princess no matter what" !!

He didn't like her! Her mother was right, boys suck.

Sorry for the short chapter !!!
But it's supposed to go along with the authors note, which If you haven't commented upon, you should do it now.

Stay tuned!!!!

---- S & D

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