37. Bad smells Pt1

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It had been a tiring day for Jason. He had helped his friend's settle into their rooms, reprimanded Leo for throwing a sock at the head of staff, made him apologize to the head of staff and then apologize to the head of staff himself.

He felt drowsy post lunch, and his aching head further probed him to lie down.

He made his was to his room after a quick run in with his fiancé. Piper. A smile spread on his face, he loved the girl.

Hushed voices echoed from the room to his right, shirll and loud. He peeped through the slightly ajar door, to make sure everything was alright.

There stood Princess Drew and Prince Octavian, over a bloodied body. A man lay dead on the ground, a knife sticking out of his chest.

"You killed him!" Jason said aloud, stepping into the room. He cursed himself for not realizing this earlier. These two were the only Royals who could have committed the previous murders. No one would have dared question them.

Octavian looked annoyed.

"I can't let you get away with this!" Jason said with authority. He definitely could not.

He turned around to exit the room, but heard the princess call his name. When he turned around, a rectangular object came flying towards him before he could comprehend why there was a brick in the room in the first place.

Everything turned black for Jason as he collapsed onto the floor. His head filled with a static sound, deafening and loud. It was all he could hear.

Jason stirred. His head ached like shit.

"Don't give him so much! I want him to remmeber me!" a voice screamed.

Jason couldn't feel his limbs, he couldn't speak nor could he move.
He felt a piercing pain in his neck. He caught murmers between his captors , they rang in his head as he felt himself slipping back into darkness.


Hey!! We back !

(This is S and I just want to take a moment to say that it's D's fault that we didn't upload and yeah that's it

(My fault !?!???!!!? Guys do not believe S)

(Don't believe D! It's her fault only! She didn't pick up my fault hmmph. Still love her tho xx
—- S
Ps : I hate you and I'm hungry)

(Yo I even published!! You unpublished!!!! It's on you huh. ------D)

(You published before we figured out the rest of the story dummy! It's defo on you! —-S)

(Well you didn't talk to me for us to figure it out dummy! And you said publish !! -------D)

(Liar! I called a bunch and you said you were bUsY!! I didn't say zat! —- S
Anyway Rip Prince Philip 😭😭😭)

(It's your fault!! Ok let's stop now 😂😂 -------D

Stay tuned!!
—— S & D

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