21. "Family Annie, I Promise"

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Percy was sitting with Beckendorf, waiting for Annabeth to walk down the aisle.

He was staring at the gaint doors of the Ludas Hall, when Beckendorf elbowed him and smirked, "Look who has a crush !!"

Percy turned red immediately. "Who? You ? Cause I certainly don't ,"he said defensively, a little too defensively at that.

On the inside, Percy was a little kid, jumping up and down yelling ' Me!! Me!! I have a crush !! Me !! '

Beckendorf laughed and continued to pester him for details about their date and "little after date", as he put it.

Percy looked around, the camera lights had been blaring in his eyes for way too long.

Today was supposed to be another Screening, and Annabeth's coronation.
So they decided to do the coronation on the Screening.

After Annabeth was crowned the new heir, they would have a quick question and answer session with Lester.

Percy didn't notice everybody stand up, until Beckendorf pulled him up.

She is the most beautiful thing he has very set eyes upon.

Normally, he would've found the gown itself a little extravagant, but it was on Annabeth, and it seemed just perfect.

Her head was held up high as she walked, she was all grace.
But Percy knew, that underneath all the make up, she was broken.

Beckendorf had to pull him down too , he whispered , "Stop staring man it's kinda getting weird now."

"I'm not staring ," Percy pouted, and went back to admiring Annabeth's strength.

She'd just lost the person she grew up with, yet here she is, all regal and formal looking. She was even smiling at people who caught her eye, which happened to be Percy himself.

He smiled and nodded at her slightly, hoping to encourage her. He could see her posture straighten up even more almost immediately.

Gods why was he getting all giddy inside ?

When she reached the alter, Queen Athena was waiting. She had her official crown on, not fancy tiaras the ladies wear. She placed her hand on Annabeth's shoulder and Annabeth almost shivered.

Athena made Wise Girl repeat a few vows to her Kingdom, but Percy didn't pay much attention to them. He just caught a few words here and there.
"...protect the people............wise ruler.... solemnly swear to forever serve......never leave..."

The way her lips moved with the formal words almost made it worth it to sit here in a stuffy suit. Almost.

'I have a crush on Annabeth, 'Percy told himself again. How did this happen?
He didn't like her a couple of days ago.

But then again, he didn't know her that well. They'd been spending lots of time together after Malcom died, because apparently, Percy was the only person who didn't remind Annabeth of Malcom.
She'd been getting very close to Thalia again, and slowly letting Luke in too.

Percy shook out of his thoughts and turned to face Annabeth again.

Once the Queen was satisfied with her vows, she removed her crown and gently touched it over Annabeth's head. She then put the crown aside on a stand and neither of them wore it for the rest of the evening.

"So Princess Thalia, how have you been?" Lester asked Thalia as she walked towards him.

"Good," she replied nonchalantly.

This Screening was different, as normally they would be sitting on stage with lights flashing on them.
But this time, they had a quick standing interview, followed by a Royal dinner to celebrate Annabeth's claim to the throne.

But Thalia didn't want to celebrate, Annabeth was heartbroken over her brother. There was nothing to celebrate.

"So we hear you're close to Princess Annabeth, how would you say she is? Would she make a worthy queen?"

"Of course she would Lester, she would probably be the best queen the kingdom has ever seen."

Lester nodded, "Thank you Princess," he bowed as Thalia walked away.

"You were good," Luke,who was standing next to her said.

"I was honest," she shrugged

"Princess Annabeth!" Lester greeted as Annabeth walked towards him.

"First of all,let me express my condolences over the death of your dear brother,I'm sure we're all gonna miss him very much."

Annabeth gave him a tight lipped smile, "Thank you Lester," she nodded.

"How does it feel to be crowned the new Heir?"

"I would have wished it was under better circumstances. My brother would've made an excellent king. I just hope I can make my kingdom proud."

"Your highness..." Lester whispered as the cameras went off for a minute.
"I'm really sorry, but I'm required to ask this," he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's happening?" Luke whispered,watching the cameras turn off. He grabbed Thalia's hand and together they went closer, and saw Annabeth give a small nod.

The cameras had turned back on "So Princess, what do you want to tell the people who believe you murdered your brother to become heir ?"

Annabeth looked shocked for a second, "Oh hell no," Thalia heard Luke whisper.
He began waking towards the camera,right next to Annabeth.

He put his hand on her shoulder. "She would say that's absolute shit," he said harshly, and ushered her away.

"Luke!" Thalia heard Annabeth whisper as they came close to her. "I could have handled it!"

"They had no right to ask you that!"

"Luke's right Annie, do you want me to hit that kid?" Thalia asked.

Annabeth laughed and pulled them both into a hug.
"Family Annie, I promise" Thalia heard Luke whisper
Thalia smiled
No matter what happens
They're always gonna be family.

Stay tuned !

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