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As the movie ended, Wooyoung finally snapped back to the real world to see a wide smiling San looking away from the movie screen to smile at him. God, he would need some time to get used to this.

He definitely couldn’t always turn into jelly whenever he saw the other one happy. Or whenever he saw him in general but that was a different story.

Damn it, what was wrong with him?
While the blond boy had his own personal crisis San didn’t even notice and started talking about the actor the two had discussed earlier and what a great job he did and how much he loved the movie.

Wooyoung somehow managed to turn into autopilot and just nod and smile along.

He would need to watch the entire thing again to know what San was talking about but for now he just wanted to cherish seeing the other one with this unusual excitement glowing on his face.

The two of them made it out of the movie theater while successfully avoiding their classmates and Wooyoung felt relieve wash over him when they left the building behind.

San was still babbling about the movie and the blonde didn’t want to see the sparkles in his eyes fade away because of his friends.

At some point the dark haired boy noticed that he would have to turn left to get home but he didn’t want their conversation to stop, even if it was only him who was talking.

Instead of making his way home he continued to follow his new friend and tried to change the topic so he got the other one to talk as well.

San wanted to know more about him, more than just the things he saw in school or through social media, not that either of them were any good sources to begin with.

The sunlight was already starting to fade in a dark shade of orange, one you could almost call red and the two boys were the only one left on the street but they didn’t really notice as they started discussing whatever came to their minds.

They told each other about their families, the blond boy less enthusiastic than San who almost seemed to glow while talking about his younger sister.

For the first time the two of them felt like the one they were talking to was something close to a safe space. Not just someone you could talk with about your favourite movies and school but about secrets and dreams, about hope and fear.

The entire time Wooyoung had something he wanted to say at the tip of his tongue, something he never thought he would say out loud and before he could, they reached his front door and he looked at the other one in confusion.

“Where do you live?” he could see embarrassment cross over Sans face as he lifted his arm and pointed the way they just came.

The blond boy couldn’t hide the smile that made its way on his face at this and in a sudden moment of euphoria he hugged the taller one, not wanting to let go again.

He could feel the other one freeze for a second due to his surprise but he warmed up pretty fast and hugged him back.

They stood there for a time neither of the two could measure before the one who started this took a step back again, staring at his own feet.

“Thank you for today” San said and then turned around, leaving a completely flustered Wooyoung behind.


I am truly sorry that there hasn't been an update for so long, I am struggling with a lot of things right now and I am not sure if it will be possible for me to keep updating, therefore I really hope that you all can be a bit patient with me :(

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