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“I told you I would make you smile”

San cursed the corner of his lips for moving upwards upon reading this, he would rather die than letting his classmates see him turning soft.

No way he will smile now and give them even more reasons to gossip about him. Unfortunately the butterflies in his stomach couldn’t care less about his concerns.

He could feel someone stare at him and knowing whom the eyes belonged to the feeling got worse, bad enough so he didn’t want to hide it anymore.

So instead of holding back the smile anymore he looked up and locked eyes with Wooyoung, something close to a grin spreading over his face.

Wooyoung at the other hand turned red and stared at his feet once again, his friends giving him weird looks. Only Yeosang seemed to understand what was going on and turned to San with a curious look on his face.

Said put on an innocent face and hid behind an open textbook he had just laid down on his desk. Even though he still had this fuzzy feeling in his stomach from the past day, he was scared.

He worried about how things would go from here. Sure enough he didn’t forget their encounter with Wooyoungs friends or the looks they gave him when he entered the school building this morning. No matter what happened, San was still the weirdo everyone avoided.

Last night wasn’t even a big deal but it still made him uncomfortable and maybe his new friend didn’t care but San would never forgive himself if he dragged him down. 

The two of them had talked a lot and it was obvious that the blond was not one to hide anything, which was probably one of the reasons he had so many friends.

Even after only a night he trusted Wooyoung. He knew that he was honest and when he talked you couldn’t help but to feel with every word he said.

That was how San could instantly tell that he was lost in his thoughts after the movie and tried to cheer him up with talking about all the great scenes it had. It was the only thing where he knew what to say.

Because of all these things it did not come surprising to him when the blond boy approached San after class and asked him to sit with him and his friends for lunch.

They only stared at each other awkwardly for a moment since both were aware what terrible of an idea this was but neither of them wanted to accept it.

The moment San finally summoned all his courage to decline their classmates walked by, telling Wooyoung that they would see him later, completely ignoring the one their friend was talking to.

In this very moment there was something in Wooyoungs eyes, something the other couldn’t quite pinpoint but the next thing he knew was that he took his hand and dragged him out of the classroom.

San could only follow him in confusion, a weight lifting from his chest as he saw that they walked in the opposite direction than all the other students, none of them noticing the unusual pair.

They came to an halt as they reached the door of the… library?

“I am sorry… I should have waited for your answer first I just… needed to get out of there..” the taller of them was still looking puzzled, the feeling growing when he heard Wooyoung say that.

The most popular person in school trying to get away? The most talkative person he knew leading him to the library?

Maybe Choi San didn’t knew as much about him as he thought he did…

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