𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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When San entered school the next day he was actually smiling during the entire way to his classroom.

He kept replaying the things that happened this weekend in his head and for once couldn’t care less about the weird looks he earned in the hallway.

Unfortunately his mood was spoiled when he reached out for the door handle and heard the scolding voice of one of his classmates from inside the room.

If he remembered right he had already heard this voice when he went to the movies with Wooyoung and something made him freeze.

“So you are not even going to find an excuse? Dude, you ignored all of us during the entire weekend, we were fucking worried! And now you are going to play it off with being busy?”

San frowned upon hearing it and he decided that their drama wasn’t any of his business so he entered and made his way to his seat. The voice kept complaining the entire time without getting an answer.

Only then San decided to look up and instantly met eyes with Wooyoung. His heartbeat stopped for a moment and he could see nothing but those mesmerizing eyes.

“Wait… You gotta be kidding me. Don’t tell me its because of that nerd?!”

There was the annoying voice again. Sans head snapped over to look at the person and then his blood froze in his veins when he realized that everyone was staring at… him?

His brain needed a second to process what was just happening, especially with his blond haired crush not taking his eyes off of him.

Then it slowly sank into his mind that the person these people were scolding for ignoring them was Wooyoung.

The person that was with him during the entire time. he was the reason Wooyoung got into trouble with his friends.

Only in the back of his head there was a tiny voice being offended at being called a nerd. They never openly insulted him before but that didn’t matter now.

San looked back at Wooyoung, not sure what to do. He felt guilty and confused at the same time.

What made the situation worse was that the blond oy still didn’t utter a single word while everyone including San looked at him, waiting for answers. An explanation. Anything.

The other people in their class kept ranting about how weird Wooyoung was acting lately and how he wasn’t the same anymore. That they didn’t want to watch him be corrupted by the freak he was still staring at.

For San it felt like these voices became louder and louder until they were buzzing inside of his head, repeated, scolded, insulted him.

Combined with Wooyoungs ongoing silent glaring he finally couldn’t take it any longer and stormed out of the room.

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