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“do you want to go to the movies with me?”

When San unfolded the note on his table this time, a couple of movie tickets fell out, belonging to a movie he had been eager to watch for a while now. Suddenly there was this weird feeling spreading in his chest and making him feel somehow lighter.

He looked up to catch Wooyoung staring at him who instantly looked away when they met eyes but an obvious smile covering his face this time. At the same time Yeosang had noticed his friend acting weird and whispered something to him, casting San an curious glare.

Whatever he had told the blond caused the boy to look up again, showing the hopeful smile on his face. It was a question, one San only understood when he remembered the tickets. He slowly nodded and a fade pinkish colour covered both boys faces.

Unfortunately the lesson started and forced them to look away again, both somewhere else with their minds for the rest of the day.

After the way too long school day was finally over San wanted to catch up with Wooyoung who was talking with one of his friends but somehow lost him out of his sight when they left the classroom and disappeared in the crowd.

So the brown haired boy decided to wait in front of the school and the entire situation felt awfully familiar to him.

He decided that he would not wait for the blond longer than 30 minutes and thinking about the possibility that this was even necessary made the fuzzy feeling in his chest disappear.

Soon after he saw a blond head appear between a group of other students and this time he didn’t care about what the others might think about him, talking to Wooyoung was more important in this moment.

So he gathered up all his courage and walked up to the group of students until he stood right next to them, some giving him a curious look.

It confused San that he knew none of them until he remembered that the other boy had dozens of friends so how could he know all of them when he never even paid attention before?

“Wooyoung?!” he called out for the blond but when the person he had focused his eyes on turned around in confusion he realized that he mistook him.

His heart dropped into his stomach as the blond stranger looked at him in confusion as well as said friends.

San mumbled an excuse and bowed hurriedly before stumbling back, the other students minding their own business again and going back to the conversation he interrupted.

Right as he wanted to give up and decided to just go home instead a voice behind him, screaming his name made him turn around.

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