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I don’t know why everyone
says you look intimidating,
sorry but I just can't see it
- WY

This day Wooyoung avoided looking in Sans direction the whole day and it eventually started to annoy the taller boy. He wanted to believe his words, he wanted to see the blonds face.

It wasn’t a secret that San scared some of his classmates but he didn’t think that it would feel so good to have someone say otherwise, someone who wouldn’t try to find an excuse so he doesn’t have to be around the silent boy.

People judge others by their appearance every day, maybe without even noticing. This made things easy for San when he decided to avoid hanging around with peers since he never felt comfortable around them.

Everything was easier the way it was, but Wooyoungs letter made him wonder what would happen if things were different. San tried to get his attention during a few breaks but the other one was always surrounded by his friends and this would only make things unnecessary awkward.

When he came home that day the brown haired stood in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection. He wore a completely black attire like always, his bangs reaching his eyes so he could hide his expressions behind them.

He liked this style, the black made him feel invisible, if no one could see him, no one could attack him. But now that he examined his appearance carefully, he raised his hand and brushed the brown bangs out of his face.

He wondered what scared some people so much about him, was it really just the fact that he avoided talking? Maybe the black clothes?

San remembered the first letter he got on Monday, the words were true, he rarely smiled. Why should he bother with it when he was in school?

When he heard something funny, he would laugh but there simply wasn’t anything. He didn’t understand the people that put on their fake smile over every word.

Now he stared into his own, dark eyes and did something he will definitely deny if someone ever asks him, he lifted the corner of his mouth and smiled at the insecure boy that looked at him in the mirror.

The shy and self-doubting boy that hid behind his hair and black clothes because he tried to look unapproachable. The one that now started to get his hopes up that someone out there could see behind the curtain and accept him as the person he was.

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