𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Neither of the two could have said how much time had passed when they heard a knock on the door and San's sister came inside before the owner of the room could even utter a word.

She leaned against the doorframe looking rather displeased at the two boys, who in the meantime had settled on the bed, chatting about another movie they wanted to watch.

"Not to interrupt you or anything but it is already half past 8 and if no one wants me to starve I need food, now." She scolded, looking grumpy while holding her stomach.

With a bit of shock the culprits looked at the clock, followed by a peak out of the window, realizing that it was indeed already way too late and dark outside on top of that.

San scraped his neck, apologizing to his sister before getting up and giving Wooyoung a look that was a mixture of hope and worry at the same time.

"Your still going to eat with us, aren't you?"

As an answer the guest nodded with a smile and the two boys were so occupied with their little conversation that they didn't notice the third person in the room rolling her eyes at them.

"Still hungry!" she told them to get back their attention while turning around and heading back to her own room.


Later this evening the three of them sat on the couch in the living room, each one holding a slice of pizza in their hand while watching the movie San and Wooyoung where talking about earlier.

"How can you insist on watching this? It makes absolutely no sense!" Suni kept complaining even after she got some food to fill her stomach with and San could hear the blond boy chuckle at her remark.

Wooyoung had noticed some time ago how annoyed he was with his sister and would definitely use this to tease him later on.

But for now the worse problem was said sister that for some reason wouldn't stop trying to spoil San's mood.

It was weird since normally they really got along pretty well and he thought that she wanted to meet Wooyoung so he couldn't see a reason for her constant nagging, especially after they ordered her favourite Pizza.

"Feel free to leave any time. You should have gone to bed long ago anyways. Don't forget that we are only letting you watch this with us because we only now got to eat"

San and her conversation kept going like this for a while with Wooyoung next to them enjoying the little drama much more than what was happening on the television screen.

The girl gave finally up and left after the movie was over, the two boys left deciding to keep watching for another one since it actually wasn't that late.

Their decision ended with San falling asleep halfway through the movie which Wooyoung only noticed when the others head dropped on his shoulder.

He couldn't help the wave of happiness that washed over him at the picture.

The next thing that came to his mind was that he didn't want to leave and he pressed his lips into a thin line when he decided that he wouldn't leave the sleeping boy alone and didn't want to wake him up either.

On that day he had seen so many sides of the mysterious boy he had fallen for so long ago.

From the eyes that looked like they could harbour an entire galaxy within them whenever he looked at his sister to the proud look on his face when he showed Wooyoung the stuffed animals he had in his room.

Even now, his unusual relaxed face was something that needed to be treasured. The blond boy would never be able to get the sound of San's laugh and the look of his smile out of his head, not that he wanted to.

Before he could logically think about it he took out his phone, ignoring the notifications of multiple missed calls from his friends and parents, texting his mother that he would stay over at his friend's place before turning the phone off, not wanting to deal with anyone who could ruin this evening.

After that Wooyoung kept watching the movie for a bit longer enjoying the company of the boy beside him and the way said kept snuggling closer against him in his sleep.

He decided that this had to be the greatest day of his life when he finally fell asleep with a smile on his lips and an arm around Choi Sans shoulder, praying that it wouldn't be just another dream once he woke up again.


and I only now noticed
that I accidentally uploaded one chapter twice so heres another one to make up for my stupidity xD

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