Chapter 16

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Alexx POV

2 weeks. It's been whole two weeks since I had seen Blake. I didn't tell anyone about the whole kidnapping thing because right now the last thing I would want is to cause Blake more trouble. Todays the first day back to school and I had no plan to get out of my bed and get ready but I knew if I didn't my mom would barge in with a shoe in her hand.

Slowly I pushed the covers from my body which caused them to tumble down the bed, god I hate mornings. I walked towards the closet and started looking for something to wear, seeing the weather outside it's still pretty cold and that got me to settle for a dark blue christmas sweater that was very comfy and black jeans. Looking my at hair I decided to just leave them open naturally as for the first time in my whole life they were looking nice. I applied a bit of makeup just enough to keep a natural look and ran down stairs.

As I reached down I saw an angry Nick standing near the front door while giving me a glare, shit I am late again. 'Just grab something to eat and come' he said while walking out, I quickly trailed behind him not caring about breakfast.

'Don't you have to eat something' he said while getting in and starting the car, I just shook my head which caused him to frown but he didn't say anything. To be honest since the day I have been away from Blake I can't eat nor sleep, I just feel like something's missing and irritates the shit out of me. As we reached school I notice that students were still hanging around which meant we weren't late, thank god. I mumbled a quick bye and left to find my friends.

'ALEX ALEX OVER HERE' Tiff yelled from across the field which caused people to look at us weirdly, I blushed and jogged toward my group of friends.

'There she is, the person that's been ignoring us for a couple of weeks now' Ben said while pointing at me 'Well I guess being popular is hard like have to keep up with losers like you and the others as well' I said while flipping my hair which caused everyone to 'oooo'. 'Oh come here you' Ben said while grabbing me from my waist and tickling me. 'Okay okay I'm sorry' I said while laughing which caused him to stop.

'What don't we get a hug' Jayden said acting hurt 'Of course you do, You're my favorite' I said while pulling him into a hug. 'So whats new' I said while staring at every one, 'Ben and Veronica and together' Sophie said while squealing. 'What you lucky bitch and you didn't even tell me' I said while turning to Veronica who was tucked under Bens arm 'Well it happened yesterday and I forgot as Ben stayed the night over at my house' Veronica said while blushing, I gave her a glare letting her know that this wasn't over. 'Oh so already sleeping with each other I see' Jayden said while winking at Veronica and Ben 'Shutup we just cuddled' Veronica said while pulling Ben even more closer to her. 'Yeah right' Sophie said while rolling her eyes 'Anyway come on lets go the bell just rang' and with that we rushed toward our classes.

I quickly checked my timetable and saw I had Math's similar to Tiff, We both grabbed our books from the locker and headed towards class.

After 4 classes of complete torture it was finally lunch time. I walked toward the cafeteria and bought myself a slice of pizza and apple juice, walked to our usual table and sat down.

Everyone was here except Tiff who was in the line to buy herself some lunch. 'Hey Sophie your birthdays coming this Friday decided what to do yet' Veronica said while slowly chewing on her salad 'Oh yeah I was thinking we can all hit the club as im final going to be legal' Sophie said while looking at us. 'Yes yes finally its been so long since we all went to club together' Jayden said. 'Okay done done, Midnight Five is fine right I know someone there who can book us the VIP area' Sophie said happily 'Perfect' Veronica said.


The bell rang signaling us that we could final go home, I quickly walked to my locker and grabbed my backpack while heading outside where everyone was already waiting for me. 'I got to go I have a football practice' Jayden said while quickly giving a hug to everyone 'Yeah me to me and Tiff have to work on a Science project, We'll see you guys tomorrow' Sophie said while heading towards her car. Now it was just me, Veronica and Ben left. 'You going to wait for Nick' Ben said 'Yeah he's my ride, dad won't buy me a car' I said while pouting 'Are you sure Me and Veronica and drop you off there is no problem' Ben said 'Im fine you two go lovebirds' I said while smiling, They are so cute together.

'Okaay if you say so' Ben said while hugging me and grabbed Veronicas hand and left. Great now its just me. I texted Nick asking him where the hell he is and he still hadn't replied to me. 'Alex' somebody called my name from behind, I turned around and saw Finn standing there. What in the world is he doing here.

'What are you doing here I said while looking at him confusingly 'Wow and I thought you loved me' he said while wiping a fake tear from beneath his eye 'Whaaat.. No no im not being mean just you know curiosity' I explained, He smiled at me and said 'I know'.

He looked down at his feet and sighed 'We need to talk, you're coming with me' He said while turning around and walking towards his car. I quickly wrote Nick a message and followed behind Finn. I sat down in his car and he started his car and pulled out of the parking area. 'Where we going' I said while buckling my seat belt 'For a walk' he said and turned on the radio.

There were so many questions in my mind that I wanted to ask but I decided it was the best it I just listened to him first.

We parked outside a park and both got off. We walked for a bit and finally sat down on a bench I decided to break the awkward silence and said 'How are things at home' well actually I wanted to ask how was Blake but obviously didn't. He looked at me and said 'A mess' which caused me to frown 'You have to come back Alex, everything is just falling apart and Blake is a total mess and he is not fulfilling his duties and stays the whole day locked in his room doing god knows what'

I stared at him with wide eyes, did I real cause this all 'You see mates are meant to be together and you not being there with Blake is killing him slowly, Alex he's dying' this caused me to gasp and water my eyes, what have I done. Finn decided to speak again saying 'Im not blaming you I know this must be hard for you to but Blake needs you just give him a chance please Alex' He said while begging me.

'I-I never meant-t for this to h-happen, im so sorry-y' I said while one of the tear escaped my eye. 'Hey its okay, its not your fault. So will you come with me to the pack house' Finn said nervously.

'Obviously' I said with a sad smile, I never wanted this to happen. Finn shot me a full teeth smile and said 'well come on hurrryy' while running towards the car. I smiled and jogged behind him.


About 20 minutes later we final reached there and right now I was standing in front of Blake place with Finn. 'Everything's going to be perfect trust me' He said while smiling and opening the door.

Hollyyy fuck Fin wasn't joking when he said the whole place is a mess. There were broken pieces of glass on the floor and dents on the wall, tables were broken and the whole place looked completely destroyed.

'What happened' Finn said while looking around 'Blake happened' Drake said while sitting down on the broken couch. 'Where is he' I said quietly 'I don't think it's a good idea to go around him right now' Drake said unsure 'NO, trust me its fine' I said, he sighed and said 'His room'.

I quickly ran upstairs towards his room. Fuck this is it, I quickly took a deep breath and open the door, At first it was to dark to make out things then finally I saw Blake's back that was faced towards me. 'Drake get the fuck out of my room' Blake growled, I just stood there like an idiot not saying anything. 'I TOLD YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM DRAKE' Blake growled while turning around.

'Alex' he whispered looking at me, his hair were a totally mess, even with lights off I could see the bangs under his eyes, it looked like he hadn't shaved for a couple of days. He rubbed his eyes looking at me again 'Alex' he said again whispering. I walked slowly todays him while looking at his new appearance, the only thing I could think of right now was that I had caused all this, I stopped in front of him and he whispered again looking into my eyes, 'Alex'.

I couldn't take it anyone I launched myself at him and hugged him with all the power I had. His arms wrapped around me while he buried his face into my neck. After a few minutes I could feel something wet on my neck and that's when it hit me, Blake was crying. I slowly pulled him out off my neck and saw he had tears running down his face and he mumbled 'Alex' while crying. 'I'm so sorry Alex, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me' he said while taking my face into his hands and crying. 'Please forgive me.'

Okaaayyy uys let me know wht you think, thankyou again to everone for reading and i tried my best to make this chapter a bit longer.

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