Chapter 13

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Alex POV

I woke up and strected my muscles, last night tired me out. Wait if you're thinking me and Blake had sex NO NO NO NO nothing like that i would never have sex with my fucking kidnapper no just no, its so wrong on so many levels but then again i don't feel kidnapped, just shut up Alex.

God what is wrong with me today. We went ice skating yesterday me and Blake, it was actually my first time so yeah i bruised my self pretty badly while Blake just laughed his ass off but i couldn't get mad at his perfect smile and that laugh. As much as i dont want to admit i know I'm falling for him but you cant blame me its all the jerks fault hate him for being so beautiful. Asshole.

i got out of my bed and went to find some cloths seeing that i fell asleep in the cloths i wore yesterday. I took out one of Blake's hood that i stole, it was plain dark blue and took some black legging quickly putting them on. White socks, i need white socks. Quickly putting all my hair into a messy bun i went out of my room. I quietly tiptoed to Blake's bedroom to find some socks, it was freezing. I slowly opened the door to his room and slipped in and closed the door behind me, making sure not to make to much noise. I turned to see an empty bed, finally i noticed the shower running in the bathroom oh so he must be talking a shower, well great he wouldn't even know i was here. I quickly headed towards he wardrobe and opened random draws to see if i could find any socks.

''What are you looking for in my underwear draw'' startled by the voice i quickly turned around to find Blake just standing there in a towel wrapped around his torso. ''I w-was just l-looking for some s-socks'' i stuttered my words out, FUCK HE WASN'T WEARING A SHIRT OMG EYES UP ALEX REMAIN AN EYE CONTACT WHY THE HELL DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO PRETTY ''Is that my hood'' he asked narrowing his eyes. FUCK ALEX THINK THINK OF SOMETHING ''um yeah you gave it to me don't you remember'' i said while nervously laughing. He smirked say ''I dont remember pumpkin'' GOD FUCK NO CAN SOMEONE HAND HIM A SHIRT I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT WHILE HE IS FUCKING LOOKING LIKE A SEX GOD ''Bad memory you have'' i say, try to play it cool come on ''yeah so i need socks since i dont have any can give me some i'll return you afterwards'' i said, he frowned and all i wanted to do was to touch his forehead and stop him but knowing me i was afraid that my hands would keep roaming him hair then not wanting to stop.''Yeah sure second draw from the left'' he said while picking some black jeans and a gray shirt with a black hoodie NONONO HE PUTTING CLOTHS ON FUCK SHUT UP ALEX FOCUS ''yeah thanks i'll just leave you to change i say while grabbing the socks and leaving quickly. GET A GRIP ALEX i mentally shouted at my self.

I went down and decided that today I would make breakfast for Blake and me, there wasn't much to make as i knew only a few things to cook. I decided on making a grilled sandwich that my brother taught me how to make, it was litterly that best thing ever. I hoped Blake would like it, he had to if he didn't then he sucks. ''What are you making'' Blake said coming down from the stairs ''a sandwich my brother taught me, its absolutely delicious'' he chuckled while sitting down at the stool. ''And what if i hate it'' Blake said while raising his eyebrows ''while then your taste in food sucks'' i said while smirking. Blake laughed and shook his head, he took out his phone and started texting to someone while i cooked.

As Blake took the first bite and his eye's widen ''see i told you'' i said while taking bite of my own sandwich, Yum. ''This is genius seriously i haven't eaten anything like this, you have got to show me how to make this'' he said while taking another large bite 'secret recipe I'm sorry' i said while laughing at Blake who got the sauce all over his face ''well then you have to make me this everyday sweetie'' he said.

After we were finished i put both of your dishes in the sink and turned around only to bump into Blakes chest, to bad he was wearing a shirt. ''Dont i get my morning kiss'' he said while looking down at me ''It's 1:30 pm soooo no'' i said while giggling a bit ''oh well in that case to owe me two'' Blake said while picking me up and placing me on the kitchen counter. He brought his lips closer to mine, his eyes going from my lips to my eyes without wasting another minute i brought my lips to his and kissed him.

His hands found their way around my waist and pushed me closer to him and i instant wrapped my legs around his torso. My hands tangled in his hair as i mourned in satisfaction ''heloww peep- OMG NOT ON THE COUNTER'' suddenly i pushed Blake and quickly closed my legs to find Dake and Finn standing there. Blake growled and came close tome again kissing my cheek and standing next to me. ''You know could you guys please keep it to the bed room i mean for god sake's we eat at that counter and i dont wnat you guys to be making little fucking babi-'' ''Yeah i think we got it just shutup Finn'' Blake said while glaring at Finn.

''Finn, Drake go to the lounge me and Alex are coming'' Blake said, as they left He turned to me and stood between my legs ''Babe me and Drake have to go, business calls i will see you later until that you will be staying with Finn and please dont leave the house'' he said while slightly bending to my height and placing both his arms on my lower back ''okay but hey dont get angry if you come home and find the place burned drown you're talking about Finn here'' i say and Blake chuckled, its like a voice from heavens. He pecked my lips a few times never giving me time to respond and started to kiss my jaw leaving hickeys along my neck. ''You smell amazing pumpkin'' he says while kissing my lips for the last time and untangling his self from me.

He placed me down from the counter and says ''when i come back we will most certainly continue this'' causing me to blush. Pecking both of my cheeks once again he held my hand and took me to the lounge where Drake and Finn were waiting.

''Took you long enough'' Finn said while sighing and coming towards me giving me a hug ''Make sure you guys get that kitchen counter changed i definitely dont want-'' Finn was in a middle of a sentence when Drake cut him off ''Yeah me and Blake will be leaving feel free to discuss this topic when we leave please'' while grabbing Blake's arm and heading to wards the door, before exiting Blake turned around and winked at me while closing the door after him.

''Soo wanna play Call Of Duty'' ''Oh your on'' i said while running to the game room with Finn running after me.

Guys i know its been a while but my exam were going on so yeah. I know i haven't been updating lately and for that you have a right to hate me, I never actaully thought that i would get so many reads on my story so i just wanna say thankyou to all the people who are still reading it :')

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