chapter 14

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Alex POV

''NO NO NO NO NOOOO'' Finn whined while i smirked at him. No one can beat me at Call of Duty seriously i mean i'm like professional at it. ''I demand a re-mach'' Finn said almost like he was sure that he was going to win this time. ''What no finn come on just admit you lost to me we have played this like 13 times again and again and each time you were so sure you were going to win'' I said.

''Well this time i am going to show you who really the winner is'' he said determined ''No and come on down stairs'' I said while heading out of the room. ''When is Blake coming home'' I asked Finn. ''He's on his way'' Finn said, ''Finn do you know why am i here'' I asked suddenly. ''Woah woah where is this coming from'' he said looking confused.

''Well you see I have been here for a while and when you guys first kidnapped me i thought i was going to be beaten and shit but then you brought be into this castle and treated me so nicely, when i thought oh well they must be asking for money from my parents but you let me talk to then and everything so its clearly not money what you are after, so i just want to know what is it?'' I say nervously.

''Blakes outside you should ask him'' thats all Finn said before giving me a side hug and leaving. I heard foot steps and and door close before Blake came into the room.

''Hey babe you okay, Finn said you needed to ask me something'' Blake said while coming towards me. ''I wanna know why I'm here'' I said and Blake stooped where he was. ''I will tell you when your'e ready'' he said and started walking away. ''What no you cant do that to me Blake i need you know, i deserve to know'' i said while running after him and stopping him from walking any further ''No its too much off a risk'' he said while looking into my eyes and placing his one hand on my cheek, ''You will tell me i don't care Blake'' i said.

''Promise me you wont run'' He said looking directly into my eyes ''Hey unless you are some kind of rapistt i promise i wont run'' I said, he chuckled and said ''I'm not'' and I pretended to whip sweat from my forehead.

''Alex, babe, I'm a werewolf'' he said

''What'' i said disbelieved ''Alex i am a werewolf'' he repeated watching me closely ''And who else knows about this'' i said still shocked ''Well you see we live in packs, and kind off the leader of this pack'' he said while talking my hand ''Blake, have you consulted a psychologist'' i said. ''WHAT NO NO NO ALEX I AM REALLY TELLING THE TRUTH I AM A WEREWOLF'' he said standing up from his seat, ''Okay Blake i think thats enough, wheres the camera'' i said while raising one of my eyebrow at him ''What the hell are you talking about you think this is some joke dont you well just great'' he said while rolling his eyes ''And you except me to believe that'' i said looking at him dumb folded ''Well yeah'' he said ike the most obvious thing in the world. ''Well yeah, i'm going to go to sleep i said while getting up''i said pissed.

''What the fuck, okay wait i'll show you'' He said while talking me into the lounge ''You are going to turn into a wolf and show me'' i said to Blake, he didn't reply and started talking off his cloths ''WOAH WOAH WOAH BLAKE WHAT THE HELL PUT YOUR CLOTHS BACK ON'' any other time i would've in enjoyed this so much but right now i think this man is losing him mind. ''I'm going to show you'' Blake said only standing in boxers now, don't look down alex don't look that all i kept repeating to myself when suddenly i saw Blakes bones turning and twisting and before i new it there was a wolf standing in front of me.

''WHAT THE OMG OMGGG-GET AWAY F-FROM ME YOU'' and it started to walk towards me, THE FUCKING WOLF STARTED TO WALK TOWARDS ME. I quickly dashed for the stairs and locked my self into the first door i saw, looking around i saw a book self and quickly dragged it in front of the door.

What the fuck just happen omg, Slowly the tears made onto my face and before I knew it I was full on sobbing while curled up into a ball in a corner.

''Alex are you alright'' I heard Blake's voice ''Open this door right now Alex'' he said and i was too shocked to reply all i did was kept crying silently ''Alex, pumpkin, open the door'' He almost sounded desperate right now ''Okay just tell me if your'e okay sweetie and i'll leave'' he said while pleading.

''J-just leave me a-alone'' i said while crying ''Babe I'm out siting here if you need anything just ask'' I didn't reply and he didn't ask again.

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