Chapter 22

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The sound of pebbles hitting my window broke me out of my trance, BLAKE!

I wobbled towards the window while holding the duffel bag, I could easily say that it would weigh more than me but hey I'm a girl so back off.
Looking down i see Blake giving me a questioning look, 'Alex whats on your face..' He said while sounding unsure.

'I know i went a little overboard with the whole sneaking out but I just thought since it was the first time I'm breaking the rules might do it in all the sprit' I said while giving him a cheaky smile 'Now come on I'll throw, you catch and make sure you dont drop it because i have perfumes in it!' I whisper-shouted hoping my brother wouldn't hear me.

Throwing the bag without waisting a second i guess that caught Blake out of gaurd cause it hit him head and then dropped to the ground. 'Oops' I said while smiling, 'Come one now catch me and you better do it right this time i dont want to end up like that' i said while pointing at my duffle bag.

I slowly put one of my leg over the window sail and then the other okay this is it, my heat beat rising, this is the first time I'm doing something against my parents permission, Okay at the count of three.


I saw the trees blurred by as I fell, the wind whispering in my ear and all of a sudden strong arms wrapped their self around my tiny torso. 'Blake' I said breathlessly while smiling like a kid in a candy shop. 'Lex' Blake said while smirking at me 'You might kill me after this but honey you didn't have to do that'

'W-what but I thou-' I was cut off by Nick 'Oh hey Blake, You guys leaving already'

'Ya just came to get Lexi' Blake said said while looking at me sideways 'YOU KNOW' I said while wiggling out of Blakes arms 'What the hell is going on' I said while pushing Blake slightly.

That son of a bitch made me jump.


'Come on Lexi, Its not like I forced you to do it' Blake said glancing me sideways while driving. I gave him the dont you dare look and turned back towards my window.

Blake rested one of his hand on my thigh and rubbed it, 'You know you cant stay mad at me' He said while trailing his hand higher. By now my breath came out in short pants.

Dont give up Alex

'Okay if you wont stop me then I guess I keep going on' He said while quickly moving his hand under my shirt.

'BLAKE STOP' I screamed while slapping his hand away. 'There you go' He said while smiling.

I swear even after all that has happened, his smile still made my heart skip a beat. It was beyond my capability to comprehend how I managed this idiotic smirking jerk to fall for me, way way way beyond me.

'What has got you to over think now pumpkin' he said while grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

How can a person stay mad at this beautiful human being?

'Lex you alright' He said while staring at me consciously.

But then again it can be only due to the 'mating pull'

'Tell me you aren't day dreaming about me again' Blake said while smirking at me halfheartedly. Without thinking I reached for my seat and brushed my fingers in his hair while playing with the ends of them. You get how you meet a person and you're like shitt man he's to good for this world. Thats Blake for me. What did I do to deserve him, I'll never know but what i do know is to grasp this time that I have with this smirking jerk and make the full of it.

'I love you Blake' I said while combing the tangles he had. 'Lexi wh-' I cut Blake off ''I dont know what I did to deserve you, I dont know why god chose me to have an angel like you. I just have a feeling that this is all a vivid dream and that one of these days I'm going to wake up from it and before that I just want you yo know that I love you, You smirking jerk.'' I said while pulling the ends of his hair.

'Alex why did you say that' He said bring both of his hand and grabbing my face 'Dont frown at me pumpkin and let me finish' He said while giving me a small smile 'I have been in love with you from the moment I saw you, And have been thinking of ridiculous romantic ideas to confess my love for you and I am a little sad that you didn't let me fulfill my fantasies' By now a small giggle escaped my mouth. 'Come on Lexi lets get you inside and yes when you were eye raping me the whole time I actually managed to drive us home' He said while opening his door.

'Wait' I said which caused his to turn around, I grabbed the coller of his shirt and smashed our lips together, It took a few seconds for Blake to realize what was happening but after he responded as hungrily and eagerly as me. Fighting for denominance, he bit my bottom lip demanding it for to open, Deciding not to tease I let him explore my mouth. Blake growled in satisfaction while picking me up from my seat and putting me the back. Our lips broke for a second but wasting no time Blake also came to the back seat while making me lie down and connecting our lips back together. Tugging on his shirt Blake got the message and quickly ripped it and threw it away from us, Breaking the kiss he trailed small kisses down my chin to my collarbone, Sucking on a specific spot behind my neck to which I let out a huge gasp while arching my back at feeling this sweet pleasure. Accidentally while savoring the moment my hips came in contact with Blake's and he let out a huge growl 'Fuck lex' He said while bringing his hips back to mines causing me to gasp again at this unusual feeling. Letting out a small morn Blake begin to rhythmaticly bring out hips together while one of this hands maneuver inside my shirt and the other settled just above my hips. 'Lexi you're gonna be the death if me' He said while bringing his lips back on mine again. Letting my hands roam I tugged his hair while the other one played with the band of his boxers. Desperate for the contact between our hips again I slowly grind my against his which caused his whole body to go flex, Blake let out another growl while squeezing his eyes shut. 'God lex dont stop' He said whole bring both of his hands and squeezing my butt, taking this as a encouragement I let my hips role again and meet his growing budge 'Fuck' he said while keeping my hips there.

'Lexi if you want to walk out of this car as a virgin I suggest you stop' He said while sounding out if breath and in pain. His comment got me to turn red while lowering my eyes to his chest. 'You're beautiful' Blake said while holding my chin so I would keep an eye contact with him. 'So beautiful, I love you.' He said while bring his lips back in mine. Our moment was cut short dew to the lightning noise causing me to shriek. 'Come on pumpkin' Blake said while letting out a chuckle. Opening the door he grabbed his shirt, well what was left of it, as he ripped it in the process, while picking me up bridal style and kicking the door causing it to close. I sighed once noticing that Blake still isn't wearing a shirt and ran my hands up and down his smooth toned chest 'Like what you see' Blake said while smirking, 'Love' I said while starring up at him which caused his to laugh out loud. Reaching the door I tried to help him as i was just about to open it, It was pulled open by someone inside.

'Blake my dear' There stood Blake's mom, By taking in on our appearance her eyes grew wide. Ohh boyy.

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