Chapter 18

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Alex POV

Currently me and Blake are driving back to my place. I mumbled the lyrics to the song playing in the background which happens to be 'suger' by Maroon5, i have to say they are absolutely amazing and Adam is just the description on perfect, gosh I would just kill to meet him.

'You're drooling' Blake says while smiling

Talk about embarrassing, I blush and lower my head so Blake couldn't see my red tomato face, why did I have to blush so easily.

'Its okay don't hide it from me I am pretty sure you were thinking about me and my abs' He says confidently while smirking. 'Actually I was thinking about Adam' now its time for me to smirk and for him to glare.

Suddenly the car comes to an abrupt stop and I stare and Blake shocked.

'Who is he' Blake says while tightening his grip on the wheel and looking at me. 'Who is who' I say frowning completely lost 'Adam' Blake says while grinding his teeth.

Not able to control myself I start laughing 'Alex' Blake says annoyed 'I-I my sor-ry but omg' I say still laughing while Blake gives me his best glare. After a while I calm down and smile at Blake while he narrows he eyes on me 'aren't you going to answer me' he says while rolling his eyes, 'Blake how dumb can you be' I say while sweetly smiling at Blake 'Adam as in Adam Levine you know from Maroon5' I say.

'I'm not dumb' he mumbles and starts the car again.


'You can come inside if you want' I say while playing with Blake's hair 'Im not sure if that's such a good idea Pumpkin' he says while brushing his lips agaisnst my collarbone, currently we're outside of my house in Blake's car as I sit on his lap.

'Please come on and plus you haven't even met my parents and I have already met yours, not fair' I say while pouting, Blake nibbles my bottom lip with his and says 'well then you have to make it up to me.'

'Yay okay done done' I saying while grabbing his hand and opening the car door quickly hopping out of his lap 'come on' I saying while dragging Blake with me as he chuckles at m excitement.

'MOM DAD I'M HOME' I say while opening the front door 'In the dining room, come on hurry we're about to start eating'.

As I enter I see every one already sitting at the table waiting for me. 'Oh honey who's this' my mom says while getting up from her seat and coming towards us 'Mom meet Blake, Blake meet my wonderful mother who gave birth to me' I say gesturing them towards each other 'Oh so you guys are school friends' Mom says as I'm about to reply Blake cuts me in '-Alex is my girlfriend'

'What' my mom says shocked and Nick (her brother) suddenly chokes on the drink he is drinking, while I stare at Blake with wide eyes as he just sends me a signal to play along.

'Wait hold up are you sure we're talking about the person here, my little nerd sister' Nick says shocked 'Hey' I say while frowning 'Well no offence Alex but I never thought a nerd like you could end up with a guy like him' Nick says while smirking while Blake just laughs at his comment, jerk.

'Im pretty popular okay, I have a lot of friends in fact' I say while glaring at Nick 'yeah right you have the same friends since the first grade and refuse to be friends with anyone else' Nick says tauntingly this cause Blake to laugh even more, I'm glad he finds this funny, just wait for me and him to get alone and I'll teach him a lesson.

'Well you don't-' mom cuts me while saying 'could you guys not fight in front of guest' Mom says while sighing 'No no I'm alright, enjoying this in fact' Blake says while smirking 'I like him already' Nick says while fist bumping Blake while I glare at both of them.

'Hello darling sorry I'm late got caught up in something' dad says while coming in and kissing my mother on the cheek 'Oh I didn't notice we had a guest over and who might you be' daddy said while extending a hand to Blake.

'Blake sir Blake Eaton' He said while shaking hand with my dad 'Dad guess what Alex's dating him' Nick said while butting in 'Oh really when did this happen' Dad said shocked, God why can't anyone believe that I can date a good looking guy. 'Today actually' Blake said while coming next to me and intertwining our hands and just like that all my anger had disappeared.

'Aw my baby is finally growing up' Mom say while staring at both of us eagerly which causes me to hide in Blakes chest as he chuckles.

'Well please sit come have dinner' Dad says and we all quickly gather around the table.


'COME ON COME ON COME ON SHOOT YOU IDIOT' Nick say to the T.V while getting up from his chair. Apparently Dad, Nick and Blake have this bet going on that who's going to win in some stupid football match. Nick and Blake are on one side and Dad in on the other whoever losses has to pay the winner 20 dollar.

'ARE YOU KIDING ME THAT'S A FOUL' Dad says while frowning, do they all have to talk so loudly. 'Come on pay up old man' Nick says while giving Blake a high-five 'You guys were lucky this time' Dad say while shaking his head and handing both of them their money.

'Lucky my ass' Nick says while taking it from him.

'Thankyou so much from everything but I must go its getting late' Blake said while getting up and shaking hands with my mom and dad while giving Nick a bro hug.

'I'll come outside' I said while leading Blake outside.

'Why do you have to go so early' I say while wrapping my arms around Blake's torso ad he wraps them around my shoulders. 'its 11:45' Blake says chuckling,

'Soo I'm your girlfriend now' I say while staring up at Blake 'from the moment I saw you you were mine now its just that you have started to admit it' he says while brushing my hair out of my face.

'Come on give me a good bye kiss I need to go plus your parents would be wondering what's talking so long' Blake said while leaning towards me.

Not wasting a second I captured my lips with his, he bit my lips asking for an entrance and I opened just enough for him to make his tongue into my mouth. Blake pushed me to the car and tugged on my legs getting his message I quickly wrapped my legs around his torso as his hands went under my butt, Blake noticed I was breathless and left my lips and kissed along my jaw, he kissed the spot where my shoulder meets my neck and sucked on it which earned a moan from me, Blake kissed and sucked my neck making sure to leave hickeys all over them. 'Blake' I moan.

'A-alex god fuck' Blake said while slowly putting me down 'you make me want to do un-imaginable stuff' Blake whispered into my ear making me turn red as a tomatoes

'I have to go Pumpkin' Blake said while pecking my lips one more time and opening his car door, 'go inside I'm not leaving until then' he said while pushing me away a little.

'Okay okay last kiss' I say while standing on my tip toes as Blake quickly wraps his hands around my torso and I wrap them around his neck. 'Now get that fine ass of yours in your house' Blake says while I laugh and run towards the front door.

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