Chapter 15

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Alex POV

I woke up because of the loud banging on the door. The first thing I noticed was that I was curled in a corner of the bedroom.

'Alex open this door right now' I heard Blake shout from the other side, The events off yesterday came back into my mind HOOLLYFUCK this could not be happening HOLYFUCK they are wolfs actual fucking wolfs. 'ALEX I'M NOT ASKING AGAIN OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW' Blake shouted from the other side, SHIT SHIT SHIT I'm going to die yay. I looked left and right in search for something to hold to hit Blake with, finally I found a vase and ran picking it up. A loud bang caused me to look towards the door that was now lying on the floor with an angry Blake staring at me. WHAT THE FUCK WHY IS HE MAD I'M SUPPOSE TO BE THE ONE FREAKING OUT HE'S A WOLF, A WOLF.

'S-s-staay away f-from me' I say staring up at Blake, his eyes were pure black right now. Obviously Blake didn't listen to me and took a step towards me which caused me to throw the vase towards him. He easily caught it and dropped it in his feet which caused it to break, shit shit now what. 'Alex' Blake growled, omg he's going to eat me shit I'm dead. 'I s-said stay a-a-away' I said, he took another step towards me and I threw a pillow at him which he again caught and dropped it into this feet. 'Alex stop let me explain' Blake said softly. 'I want to go home, please' I whispered hoping he would listen. Suddenly he let out a deadly growl and said 'You are home, I don't want you ever saying that again in front of me' I stared at him wide eyed.

Slowly I sat down and brought my legs to my chest and hugged them, next I brought my head in between my legs breaking our eye contact. The only thing that could be heard in the room was now my sobs.

I felt a hand on my knee and that caused my eyes to snap to Blake who was currently sitting down right next to me. 'Aleex, you need to understand, right now I'm not really proud off what I am but I was born a werewolf and I have to live with that. Just let me explain things to you, please Alex' Blake said pleading. I thought for a minute wait is it even save being in the same room as him, stop Alex you're over thinking this again.

I took a deep breath and nodded slowly which brought a smile onto Blake's face 'okay but you need to eat Alex it's been almost a day' Blake said worriedly, wait why the hell is he worried, this all is really confusing. 'Okay' I mumbled, I decided not to argue with him right now for all I know he could eat me when he wanted to! I slowly stood up only to result in me falling down again on my butt, well this isn't embarrassing at all. 'It's best if I carry you down' Blake said looking for me asking for permission, I stared at him for some time and said 'yea fine'. Blake picked me up bridle style and stared walking down the stairs, his warm chest was calling out for me and all I wanted to do was to lay in his arms and sleep while his arm's circled my waist, WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE TRUE. Blake put me into a chair and went behind the stove to cook something. This whole time I zoned out thinking how this all could be true until a plate was put in front of me, it had two eggs, bacon and two pieces of bread. I started digging in and ate more than I have ever in my entire life, seriously there is no denying that Blake's cooking is like the best even if it was just some toast and eggs.

This whole time while I ate Blake was staring at me. When I finished without another word Blake came and took the plate from me and placed it in the dish washer, next he came towards me and picked me again bridal style before placing me down on the couch in the lounge.

'So I'll start from the beginning and if you have any question just wait till the end and I will answer them' Blake said while looking at e nervously. I just nodded and he begin explaining 'We are wolfs well we call ourselves werewolf's, I was born as a werewolf and I inherit it from my mom and dad, they both are werewolf's , so is Finn, Drake and Misty and everyone you see in the community. Well there are packs, ours is called Midnight moon pack and ever pack has a leader. Leaders are called Alpha's, it's like he's the king and like every king there is a queen as well, us werewolves have a mates as you humans would call girlfriend or a wife. A mate is essential for survival once you find your mate every thing about them attracts to you, there smile, the way they laugh, every single habit of theirs. A mate makes you whole' Blake said while looking at me concernedly. The way that Blake talked about mates with such passion it was clear that he found his and I couldn't help to feel jealous, its stupid and I know a person like him can have anyone begging at his knees.

'I still don't understand how this concerns all of me' I say while looking at Blake.

He came and sats right next to me, Blake looks me in the eyes and takes one of my hand in his slowly 'Alex, you're my mate' he says slowly while keeping his eyes fixed on me.

'what' I say completely unaware of what was happening, how could this be happing, on one side I was so happy but the other side was so scared that I couldn't even move my hand from his. 'I know this is a lot to take in and I will completely give you space to take this all in but please to run away from me' Blake said while sitting down on the floor and slowly letting go of my hand.

'Blake' I say quietly and his eyes snap towards me, 'I wanna go back home' I say afraid of what his answer might be. He looks at me for a few minutes and then sifts his gaze to the wooden floor and nodes his head 'okay, just don't tell anyone, even if you do I don't think they will believe it' he says not even looking at me. He gets up and takes the car keys in his hands and walks out of the front door with me following him I get in the passenger seat and he starts the car.

The car ride was silent and I could help to feel that it was my fault. We stopped outside my house and he came by my side and opened the door for me. I looked at Blake to see his eyes were red and had tears in them, without looking at me he went to the driving side of the car and sat down. Started the car and left just like that.


tbh i never thought i would reach to 58k


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