Chapter 25 - Slytherin Dormitories

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Smoke billowed from the train at platform 9 3/4, as we gathered to make our way back for the new term. My father and Molly waved us off as usual and we put away our belongings before clambering on to the train for the long journey back to Hogwarts.

In single file, we followed Fred & George as they led us to a compartment that would fit all of us together. I was at the back of our line, proceeding Ginny in front of me when somebody abruptly stepped out from their compartment to block my path.

Draco stood in a smart dark suit and black turtleneck, he ran a hand through his thick, icy hair and his ring caught in the light. Did he always have to look so put together?

"Celeste?" Ginny called, peering over Draco's shoulder at me.

"I'll be along in a minute, Gin" I called over him and I watched as she caught up with the others.

"No, you won't" Draco spat, moving closer to loom over me. My eyes darted into his compartment to see Blaise, Daphne, Theodore, Crabbe & Goyle sat inside. They paid no attention to us, continuing their conversations and snacking on sweet things from the trolley.

"Move Draco" I said lowly, inching closer towards him.

"Why don't you sit with the Slytherins for once?" he growled, nodding his head towards the carriage door. His eyed me up and down slowly, making me shift my stance in discomfort.

"I always sit with them, you know that" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me. I see your time spent with those Weasley has diminished your sense of grace and decorum, now come on" he said, lurching forward to snake a cold hand around my forearm and bring me into their compartment.

With unsurprising ease, he slid open the door and pulled me half way through when somebody gripped my shoulder and harshly jolted me back. The other Slytherins were broken away from their catch up to watch the two boys stand off against one another.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy" Fred said sternly, pulling my body closer against his.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do Weasel?" Draco laughed, moving closer to trap me between him and Fred.

"I don't know, George what do you reckon we should do?" Fred called behind him. George stepped around his brother to come into view. They towered over Draco a good amount and I knew this time George wouldn't hold his brother back.

"I'm not sure Fred, maybe ram some puking pastilles down his throat or nosebleed nougat, that's always fun to watch?" George laughed, handing his brother one of their carefully crafted boxes.

Fred moved me to stand behind him so they could step forward, intimidating Draco further. Though Draco could dominate me, he became visibly uncomfortable at the sight of the twins, running his finger along the neck of his jumper and looking frantically at the others to back him up. His goons, Crabbe & Goyle lowered their heads, avoiding confrontation with the twins, while Daphne and Blaise giggled to themselves about how childish Draco was being.

"Look I was only asking if she wanted to sit with us, there's no need to be like that" Draco laughed sheepishly, stepping backwards into the safety of his carriage.

"No worries mate, we were just kidding" George laughed too, nodding to his brother. They turned around and escorted me back to where our friends were sitting together.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"Anytime" the twins replied in unison.

We unpacked quickly when we got back to our dorm to ensure that we didn't miss the New Year's announcements. Daphne went ahead with Blaise so I made my way to the Great Hall on my own.

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