Chapter 40 - Knockturn Alley

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Everything about me and Draco was wrong, but I couldn't deny how good it felt. Over the coming weeks, we would slip away whenever we could to relieve the tension. I knew his problems were far more sinister than my own but if fucking me senseless seemed to ease the pressure, quite frankly I was more than happy to help, especially when it distracted me from my own pain so aptly.

Nearly every night we would meet at the same time in the Room of Requirements and we would take all the hurt, all the anger, all the frustration out on each other's bodies. He'd become insatiable and I was completely at his mercy. It certainly felt meaningless. We'd straighten ourselves up afterwards and he'd disappear off to 'attend to things', as he put it.

More than once I had tried to wait around to catch a glimpse of whatever it was that he had been working on for so long up there, but he was cautious. He'd wait until he heard the click of the door to make any further movement within the room. I'd had nothing to report back to Ginny for some time and she'd probably grown tired of waiting.

But admittedly I'd become preoccupied, I'd spend all day just waiting to meet Draco in the evening. Sometimes, if either of us were feeling particularly agitated during the day, all we'd need to do is give the other a look and we'd venture to the Room of Requirements straight away. It wasn't crude, but if we were in the Common Room he'd simply have to give me a look and I knew to follow shortly after him if he left. I often wondered if I'd cheapened myself, now being at his beck and call whenever he wanted me but equally I could have him at anytime if needed. It was a nice little arrangement I supposed.

Everything deep within me still blamed him for being the reason that me and Fred had ended and he knew that, but I couldn't be angry when he'd make up for it in the night by scorching my soft skin and bringing me to the point of demise every single time.

It was an ordinary Wednesday evening for me, I finished my classes and met Daphne in our bedroom. I had believed for some time that she was blissfully unaware of my nighttime rendezvous, being so enthralled by her new relationship with George. We sat on either of beds going through essays that the other had wrote, when there was a harsh wrapping at the door. I glanced over to her, but she shrugged her shoulders, as if to say that she wasn't expecting anyone. Dragging myself up from the bed, I opened the door to see what the commotion was.

Draco stood in the doorway, looking weary and ragged. He didn't present anywhere near as smart as he usually did, wearing only a knitted vest and shirt, as opposed to full robes. His ice blonde hair was tussled over his forehead messily and he panted, clutching at his chest furiously. I stared back and then looked back over to Daphne, who looked equally as concerned for him.

"Draco, what's the matter?" I asked, keeping my voice hushed. He finally noticed Daphne was there and his eyes went wide, he outstretched his hand and pulled me into the hallway, shutting the door behind him.

"I can't meet tonight" he said, bluntly. He looked positively ill, I reached out to touch the sullen skin of his face but he jerked away. That was far too intimate for him.

"That's okay, but what's going on?" I asked, again.

"Nothing" he snapped, "that Katie girl who got hexed, Potter's been running around telling people it was me, he just tried to confront me about it. They're all out of their minds"

I flinched at the mention of Harry, I'd had never even suspected Draco when I'd heard about Katie Bell's unfortunate hexing. My mind quickly cast back to the day, it had been when were at Three Broomsticks. Though he'd been particularly jumpy that, he was hardly out of my sight, there was no feasible way it could have been him that had done it. Was there?

"Well, I was with you, you couldn't have done it, right Draco?" I whispered. His eyes met with mine, for a moment and I thought I saw tears glisten amongst the grey, but he looked away before I could be sure, only moving to nod his head solemnly.

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