Chapter 9 - The Date

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The tunnel brought us out to the cellar under the The Three Broomsticks and we climbed the unstable wooden stairs, a managing to avoid any staff. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the the light in the airy but homely pub.

"Go take a seat in one of the alcove booths over there and I'll grab us some butter beers" Fred said, giving my arm a gentle squeeze.

Though we had a managed to avoid being seen leaving the castle, we were still very aware of the classmates that would surely be in the pub around us and Fred reverted back to acting in a way that could still pass as friendly if anyone were watching.

I took a seat in one of the booths. We felt somewhat hidden and you would only have been able to spy on us from the staircase above. I nestled into my seat, removing my jacket and wool hat, as Fred came back with two frosty glass mugs of butter beer.

Fred slid into the booth next to me, rather than opposite and my heart fluttered from his close proximity.

"I'm happy we did this" he whispered. He was leaning into me, so his broad back almost completely concealed me to anyone else in the pub. I suspected he liked the feeling of having me all to himself. His large frame made me feel small but protected and I instantly felt myself grow calmer in his presence.

We spent an hour or so just chatting. We spoke about everything from how my fifth year was going so far to how George snored in his sleep and after 17 years of sharing a room together, he was losing his mind. Even when I got overexcited talking about something, he still paid attention, looking intrigued rather than bored or put off. I felt myself glowing in his company. As if I was seeing in colour for the first time. That was until we were interrupted.

"Fred?" a voice called, which for a split second sounded like the boy in front of me was calling his own name, then I realised who it was.

"George! Mate what are you up to?" Fred replied, turning to speak to his twin but still keeping me hidden behind him.

"What are you up to more like, who is this?" he laughed, not realising who I was. George's face went pale as he peered round his brother to see me staring back at him.

"Oh Celeste, I didn't see you there" George looked at his brother in confusion and Fred got to his feet to try and dissolve any assumptions he had.

"We bumped into each other and we thought we'd get a drink, do you want one? I'm going up" Fred asked, motioning in the direction of the bar. George nodded and Fred prompted him to sit down opposite me.

"You bumped into each other?" George quizzed me. I could tell he wasn't entirely convinced. I gave an enthusiastic nod and 'mmhmm' to try put his mind at ease.

"You were both the Three Broomsticks and.. ran into each other?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I could feel my panic rising from my chest and tried to think of anything to defuse the situation.

"You came in here alone didn't you?" I asked back, in the same inquisitive tone. George all of a sudden got incredibly nervous and wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Well I'm meeting someone, that's different" he replied, still looking at his hands and not at me.

"Who?" I asked smugly, knowing I'd backed him into a corner now.

"Look I'm meeting Angelina alright. I haven't told Fred yet, I don't know how he'll take" George answered in a rush as Fred reached our table with 3 more butter beers.

"Didn't know how I'd take what mate?" Fred asked, placing the drinks on the table and sliding back next to me.

"I'm meeting Angelina. I'm sorry mate I should have asked you first but she sprung it on me last night, I couldn't say no" George blurted out.

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