Chapter 42 - White Christmas

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The Christmas break interrupted our research. Hermione and I spent hours each evening leading up to the school holiday in the library, trying to find any literature we could on vanishing cabinets to no avail. Even as Daphne and I packed the night before we were set to take the Hogwarts Express back to London, I couldn't stop thinking about what Draco might be doing with it.

"George said you'll still be spending Christmas with the Weasleys as usual, that'll be nice" Daphne smiled, as she locked up her trunk. I could tell she was trying to make light of an uncomfortable situation. If I'd had anytime at all to think about something other than vanishing cabinets, I'd probably be worried.

"Yes I suppose, they're coming to our's this year though. Molly's convinced The Burrow isn't safe" I mumbled, recounting the letter my mother had owled to me last week.

Placing the last of my clothing in my battered leather case, I locked it up and and put it by the door, ready to go the next morning. It was awfully heavy and I was not looking forward to carrying it back.

Daphne reminding me that I'd be seeing Fred again wouldn't leave my mind. Though my eyes lulled, I couldn't drift off to sleep. I hadn't even told my mother that we were together, let alone that we'd broken up. If the twins had told Molly, she was sure to know by now. I don't think I'd ever dreaded a Christmas break so much.

Morning finally came and I was unsure whether I'd actually slept or not but I dragged my body out of bed and dressed quickly. I could just make out the patter of our shower and peered over to Daphne's bed to see she must have already been awake. I slipped on the clothes I'd left out the night before and sat on the bed waiting for her to finish.

As the train chugged along the tracks, I stared out the window wistfully, letting the others chatter around me. Ron and Ginny were excitedly talking about spending Christmas somewhere different for once, while Daphne and her sister, Astoria, were moaning about their aunt who they would be visiting over the next few weeks. I let all their words wash over me as my eyes glazed over, watching the scenery whizz past.

"The twins are going to pick us up from the station" Ginny squealed, showing Ron a letter that had arrived for her that morning.

I suddenly snapped out my trance and looked over at her wearily. She locked eyes with me and awkwardly looked down at the letter clutched in her hand. Ron leaned over to get a better look, when the words registered, he peered over at me, looking equally uneasy.

"Mum says you'll be joining us too" Ron explained grimly, passing the letter to me. I scanned it's contents and in Molly's neat handwriting it said that the twins had offered to drive us from London back to Devon, as they would be heading down to stay for Christmas too.

"Oh" I breathed, folding the parchment and handing it back to him.

As I pressed the letter into his hand, a black figure slunk past the door and I saw him run his hand through his icy blonde hair. His cold grey eyes fell on me and he acted as though they hadn't. Followed shortly behind him was Pansy Parkinson, giggling as she tried to catch up with him in the corridor. I rolled my eyes furiously and he continued on until he was out of sight.

It was strange, I'd hardly seen him since our time in the Room of Requirements. He'd been smart enough not to chase after me but it seemed he'd lost interest entirely in our arrangement. Watching Pansy following after him, it was clear he'd found what he needed somewhere else. She was completely clueless to whatever twisted activities he was involved with and he probably liked it that way.

After a painful few hours, the train finally pulled into the station and I immediately saw the unmistakable fiery-haired wizards waiting on the platform for us. This was going to be a nightmare but I was going to be as civil as possible and get it over and done with. The others went ahead as I had difficulty carrying my trunk along the corridor, but there was suddenly somebody blocking my path.

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