Chapter 37 - Three Days

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My eyes flitted open and adjusted to the unfamiliar bedroom around me. Draco's pressure was gone and I could feel the emptiness of the bed. I lifted my head to peer around the dark room, nothing had changed, even his suit jacket still hung, drying on the door to his wardrobe. It was as though he had simply dematerialised.

I sat up fully and saw my clothing from the previous night hanging neatly off the end of the bed. Had I dreamt the night before?  Had he even been in here or had I crawled into his empty bed? I shook the doubt off and quickly got dressed. It was going to be a feat getting out of the boys dormitories without anybody seeing me but the worst had already happened to me, surely there was no more to come.

Carefully, I folded Draco's clothes at the end of his bed and slipped out of the room and into the corridor. I got halfway along before I heard a door creak behind me and patter of footsteps but, my breath hitched but I told myself if I didn't turn around and just kept walking I would get away with it. I hurried down into the Common Room and glanced around, I hadn't even thought to look at the time but I gaged from the scarcity of students that it could have been about midday.

I hurried up the stairs to the girls dormitories, which overlooked the entirety of the common room and I caught Theo Nott smirk up at me as he came down the opposite stairs. Oh shit, he'd seen me. I gave him a weak smile and scurried off to our bedroom.

As soon as the door was shut behind me and I was alone, I collapsed to the hard stone floor, burying my head in my hands. The realisation that me and Fred were no longer together washed over me again and an even worse thought invaded, that one day I would have to see him with somebody else. It had only just dawned on me as I doubled over and the tears began to stream from my eyes.

A multitude of emotions began to drown me as I thought about last night. I would have never believed that it could end like that. I understood Fred's frustration but he hadn't even given me a chance to explain. If he were to find out that I'd slept in Draco's bed immediately after it would have only proven everything he'd been concerned about. How could I have been so foolish?

Managing to drag myself to the bed, I crawled in and slipped off my clothing under the sheets so I was only in my t shirt and underwear. I curled up into the fetal position, tucking my head as close to my knees as possible. I couldn't even stand the thought of being awake anymore.

My sanity slipped as I drifted in and out of sleep for three days straight. On many occasions, Daphne had tried to rouse me for classes or meals but I'd brushed her off, turning on my opposite side so she'd leave me alone. For extended periods of time, I'd lay staring at the ceiling too, unsure whether I was even sentient.

I'd gone three days without a shower or proper meal. Daphne had left anything she could swipe from the dining hall on my beside table and when I'd rise through phases of consciousness I'd try to feed myself. There was no feeling that I could imagine worse than this but sleeping was the only way to keep the sobbing at bay.

"Come on, get up" Daphne snapped, waking me from another deep slumber. I lifted my heavy lids to look at her. She was dressed ready for classes or had she already finished for the day? I wasn't even sure what the time was. I turned over and looked at the clock that read, 6pm. She must have just got back.

"It's Wednesday, you can't stay like this" Daphne sighed, lifting the covers off me. I groaned in protest and reached to pull them back but she ripped them further from my reach.

"Please Daphne" I whined, but she raised her eyebrows at me and motioned to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at her dramatically and dragged my body from the bed. I felt sore and every muscle screamed as I forced them to move after days of stillness.

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