Chapter 7 - Markings

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I caught a glimpse of dusk settling over the grounds as I entered the cold passage way down to the dungeons. It was always freezing, god know why they had put our living quarters down here, I thought to myself.

I whispered the password and the door creaked open, the warmth from the common room's fire immediately calmed my chattering bones.

As soon I entered I became aware of how busy the common room was this evening. I wanted to hide away in our room, in fear that Draco had boasted to his awful friends about what he'd done to me.

I spied them sitting in a gaggle on the sofas. As I passed by I winced, expecting a roar of laughter or crude jokes about how Draco had 'told me off' but there was nothing. They barely looked up as I passed.

My eyes met with Draco's for a moment, he eyed me up and down in the way he had before. A smirk stretched its way across his smug face and he mouthed "What are you looking at?"

None of his friends seemed to notice and I snapped my head back round to ignore him and face the direction I was walking.

I scurried up the stairs at the side of the common room to the girls dorms and didn't slow down until I was on the other side of mine and Daphne's door.

"You're back" Daphne said, lazily lifting her head from the book she was reading. She was leant back on her bed, already wearing comfy Slytherin green pyjamas. I could tell she wasn't too pleased that I hadn't waited for her after class and I had to think on my feet for a valid excuse.

"I'm sorry I didn't wait outside Potions. Ginny found me and wanted to talk" I lied. Well I suppose it was a half lie I thought to myself, trying to justify why I was not telling my best friend about what had happened.

I settled on the edge of my bed opposite and began telling her all about Ginny admitting she knew Fred and I had shared a moment a few weeks ago, embellishing slightly that she had been rather upset about it. Daphne sat up in her bed wide eyed, believing everything I said.

"That sounds awfully uncomfortable!" Daphne gasped, "Is everything okay with her now? You were gone for quite some time"

"Yes she's fine now but I had a lot to catch her up on I guess" I said with a shrug.

"I bet!" Daphne laughed, returning back her previous position to read her book.

I started to get changed into my matching green pyjamas. I didn't think anything of getting undressed in front of Daphne, we'd been friends for 5 years and were so comfortable with one another by this point. Removed my top, she shrieked.

"Filthy liar!" she squealed, but she didn't sound angry with me, it was more ecstatic instead.

"What are you talking about?" I panicked, turning around to face her.

She jumped from her bed and held my wrists on her hands. Red rings had formed from Draco's grip and a bruise was startling to purple from his ring.

"Is that Fred's handy work?" Daphne fell back on to her bed, laughing at her own pun.

For a spilt second I considered what would be worse, if Daphne knew the truth, that Draco had been the one or to let her think it had been Fred, the boy she already knew I was involved with. I didn't even want to attempt to try and explain what had happened with Draco because I wasn't even too sure myself.

"Yes" I lied, my cheeks turning as red as the markings on my wrists.

"You minx! Why didn't you tell me you'd lost your virginity?" Daphne shrieked. She definitely wasn't angry at me for lying to her about where I'd been, she seemed over the moon, but I couldn't let her believe I'd lost my virginity to Fred when I hadn't.

"I didn't" I sighed, pulling on my pyjamas bottoms to hide the shameful evidence.

"That's just foreplay? He tied you up and you didn't even sleep together. You've got a big storm coming" Daphne cackled, "You can tell me if you have, you know I won't judge you"

"No no, I promise I'd tell you if it happened" I said, burying my head in my hands, unable to even look at her.

"I was secretly hoping you had, you know" Daphne paused "because I've got something I need to confess"

Daphne's eyes lit up and she patted her bed prompting for me to sit with her. She told me more about her summer romance with the boy in Romania, she'd left out key details when telling me on our first night back. She explained that she'd slept with him and didn't want to tell me because she wasn't sure how I'd react. It had been her first time and it had actually been quite good, contrary to what we'd heard from other girls about it.

"I think it's marvellous Daphne! You should have told me" I giggled, slapping her arm lightly.

"I know I know, but I promise to give you tips. He taught me a thing or two" she laughed.

"And what did you say he did again?" I asked.

"Dragon tamer"

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