Chapter 39 - The Room of Requirements

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I had been gravely mistaken, nothing was able to distract me from the pain I felt about Fred and the fact he'd already been on a date. Absolutely nothing. I'd spent the rest of the weekend locked away until Daphne returned Sunday night, rosy cheeked and positively beaming. It was sickening how happy she was, but I was only bitter that she got to spend all her time with my favourite people, without me.

"He's been going on dates?" Daphne repeated. She was a terrible liar and I could tell straight away that this wasn't news to her. I rolled my eyes and she crumbled instantly.

"Alright, I'm sorry" she sighed, "George told me this weekend"

"Was she there?" I asked quietly. The answer to this question wouldn't make me feel better either way, it wouldn't undo the fact that he'd already become taken with somebody else. I was reminded of how wonderful our first date had been, how charming he'd been, but the thought of him acting like this with someone else, it made my heart break all over again.

"No, George said she doesn't come to the house. They just go out...or back to hers" Daphne couldn't look at me when she muttered the last words. I sank back down on to my bed, scared that my knees were going to buckle beneath me.

"Well, did he go there this weekend?" I asked. Daphne stiffened as she unpacked her bag and gave me an apologetic look.

"Yes, he- well, he wanted to give us some space so he went to stay at her flat, it's above the pub, you see" Daphne explained. I slumped on to the bed, laying flat on my back and staring up at the ceiling. Why had I asked?

Monday came and so did another Potions lesson, but something was waiting for us on our desk when I sat down. Two carefully placed envelopes had been left on either side of the desk, one addressed to me and the other addressed to Draco, written in neat, looped handwriting. I glanced around the room and saw Blaise, Harry, and Hermione also had envelopes waiting in their places. I caught the eye of Professor Slughorn and he gave me a small knowing smile, motioning for me to open the letter.

You are cordially invited to a dinner with Professor Slughorn

Third room to the left, Sixth Floor

Thursday 8pm

Dresscode: Formal

I slipped the small invitation card back into it's yellowish envelope and put it safely into my robes.

"Written me a love letter, Reading?" Draco smirked, as he sat down beside me, eyeing his own envelope on the table.

"Open it" I snapped. Draco sighed heavily and broke the seal, taking the card out and reading its contents.

"What the bloody hell is this? Is Slughorn asking me on a date?" Draco whispered sharply into my ear.

"Don't be silly," I giggled, "I've got one too, so has Blaise. I've heard about this, it's for students he deems exceptional"

"Oh, I see" Draco straightened up. I could see he was holding back a rather proud smile and suspected he was quite pleased that he'd been invited.

Thursday evening came and I was perched on the end of the bed, staring wistfully into my wardrobe as Daphne paced the room.

"It's not fair," Daphne mumbled, "if I'd had known that Potions students would be getting to go to fancy dinners maybe I'd have taken it"

"You can't take a class just because you want to dress up every once in a while," I sighed, shaking my head at her, "besides, I hate all of this. I don't even know what to wear"

"Well, let me pick something then" Daphne huffed, opening her wardrobe too. She pulled out a luxuriously long, open-backed dress made from deep black silk. I'd never seen her wear it before.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now