Chapter 12 - Slytherin Common Room

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It was Monday evening and the Slytherin common room felt particularly cold. Me and Daphne had decided to study for Potions together by the fire. We'd piled up pillows for us to sit on and pulled the black wooden coffee table across as a make shift desk.

The common room never seemed to be busy on a Monday night as most students were too exhausted after lessons and the weekend to do anything other than retreat back to their dorm rooms and nap. We usually did the same but we had a test coming up tomorrow that neither of us had studied for over the weekend.

Daphne and her sister, Astoria had gone home for Sunday lunch with their family and she didn't return until late that night. Only then was I able to tell her about the events of my Sunday morning, of course purposely leaving out the part about Draco. Daphne was thrilled for me and so proud that I had used her tips, we felt closer than ever bonding over our new experiences.

We worked in silence, speaking every now and then to discuss a subject we were stuck on but other than that we listened to the quiet rumble of conversations around us. But one conversation in particular began to stand out to me above all the others.

Adrian Pucey, Marcus Flint & Theodore Nott were huddled together on a sofa behind us. We were almost completely concealed to them behind the armrest of the large green velvet sofa but I could see Draco sat in an armchair next to them. Looking over him, he looked more peaceful than I usually saw him. He was reading the same Potions textbook as us in preparation for tomorrow. He wasn't involving himself in the boys' conversation to begin with.

"With a Gryffindor?" Nott whispered.
"Must have been, they were in the changing rooms before us" Pucey whispered back.

My attention pricked and Daphne must have overheard too as she shot me a worried glance, knowing it was about me.

"Who do you think it was?" Flint chimed in a hushed voice.
"Not sure, but I reckon one of those Weasley traitors. Didn't you see her with them at the pub on Saturday?" Pucey scoffed.
"Potter was there too though" Nott pointed out.

I glanced up, still trying to hide that I could hear their hushed conversation and directed my eye line over to Draco. He was gripping the edges of his book and had almost completely buried his face in it now.

"No not Potter, such a little weakling. Anyway he's clearly pining after that Ginny Weasley. Pathetic" Pucey whispered. Draco chuckled at the mention of Harry but returned to pretending he was ignoring the conversation.

"What about Fred? I hear he's shagged half of the girls in Gryffindor house. They seem pretty close too" Flint suggested. My breath caught in my throat, I couldn't make any expression that suggested I had overheard in case they saw me.

Daphne, with her back to them, let out her shock for me. Her eyes grew wide and she mouthed 'really?' at me.

I honestly didn't know. Me and Fred had never approached this conversation and to be honest I hated the thought of it.

"I bet she was good" Theodore whispered, I could practically hear the dirty grin in his voice.

"Of course she was good, have you seen those lips?" Pucey whispered. I looked up and saw him making a blowjob motion with his mouth and hands, and the boys around him fell back laughing.

"I don't blame him, I wouldn't mind those wrapped around my cock" Flint whispered, receiving another roar of laughter from the boys.

"Such a shame she's choosing to be with those blood traitors, I bet we could teach her a thing or two and we'd be far better it" Pucey said, followed by a row of tuts.

"Ah fuck, have you seen how short she wears her skirt? Is it just me or has she gotten much fitter this year too?" Nott whispered.

Daphne rolled her eyes and whispered to me
"I can't believe I ever went to the Yule Ball with that boy", nodding towards Theodore.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now