Chapter 34 - The Burrow

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Saturday came and I couldn't have been more thankful. I'd had a sleepless night, with Draco's sadistic words replaying in my head, "If you knew what we were up to your heart would stop beating in your chest"

No matter how long I spent thinking about it, I had no clue what he was talking about, but it had confirmed my suspicions. Colin had something to do with whatever Draco was up to.

When I could tell the sun had finally risen outside, I made a promise to myself that I wasn't going to dwell on it any further, or at least for the weekend.

Fred had the Saturday off and Molly had insisted we all come to stay at The Burrow for the weekend. I had no desire to be left behind at school and even my parents were out of the country for business, so it seemed like the perfect distraction.

"Can't I come?" Daphne groaned, as I packed up a duffle bag of belongings. It was still very early and she was in bed with the duvet wrapped up to her chin, hair wildly sprawled over the pillows.

"Their parents don't even know about me and Fred! How are you two going explain what you're doing?" I laughed.

"Suppose you're right" she huffed, flopping back against the pillow to stare at the ceiling, "so how are you going to carry on hiding it?"

"We did a pretty good job of it over the summer" I mumbled, zipping up my bag.

"You weren't staying under the same roof though. It's easy to hide when you were all so busy doing up the shop" Daphne pointed out.

I hadn't really thought about it like that. We hadn't been faced with this issue yet. We'd never explicitly said that we were hiding anything, we just fell into it naturally, as we had done before his siblings knew that something was going on between us.

I said goodbye to Daphne and hurried all the way out to corridor, where I was met by Ginny & Ron with their bags packed by their side.

"Dean not coming?" I joked, nudging Ginny's arm.

"Sod off! Mum would flip if she knew I had a boyfriend, why do you think I had to hide Michael all of last year?" Ginny sighed, shaking her head at me.

"Michael who?" Ron groaned, "Not Michael Corner!"

Me and Ginny giggled to each other. She'd told me all about Michael over summer. She'd been very good at hiding their budding romance, even during their DA meetings, but unfortunately for him, she'd quickly grown bored of it.

"Never you mind!" Ginny laughed, holding out the wooden spoon Port Key that Molly had given them at the start of the year, "Right grab on"

My stomach tensed as I braced myself for the journey, as quick as Port Key travel was it was frightfully unnerving and left my insides in knots for ages after. I gripped on to the spoon and my vision pirouetted, sending my head into a spin.

Our bodies met the grassy clearing outside The Burrow with a thud, none of us knowing how to achieve a smooth landing just yet. I stood up in a daze, rubbing my head where it had knocked against the ground.

"There she is!" Fred called, coming from the front door to greet us. I wanted to run towards him but my legs felt like jelly and were almost completely numb from the impact. I hobbled over to him as he let out booming laughter at the sight of me.

He looked lovely, as always, dressed in deep brown cord trousers and a wool knit jumper, which was definitely a Molly Weasley original.

"Hello" I grumbled, wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my head into his chest. He stiffened slightly, rather than easing in to me like he usually did and looked around him to see if his mum was in view. I let go as soon as I'd remembered, we were only meant to be friends.

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