The shopping centre (10)

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The shopping centre was in the middle of town for anyone to go in and buy anything. Chloe walked in with Lucifer straddling behind her and her face looked like a kid in a candy store: bright and filled with excitement. He just laughed at her reaction, making a smile spread across his face. The first store they went into was River Island where Lucifer immediately started picking out dresses all in Chloe's size to try on in the fitting rooms. He seemed to be enjoying this a little more than he would like to admit it. The first dress Chloe tried on was a tight red dress that shaped her every curve perfectly and she looked stunning in it. Lucifer's jaw basically dropped when he saw her.

"Darling you look absolutely beautiful," Lucifer said with his eyes lingering as he swirled her around with the grip he had on her hand.
"Well thank you Lucifer, you don't look too bad yourself," she said with a giggle.
"What do you mean? I always look this stunning" he said as he adjusted his collar with his hands.
"I know you do," Chloe said as she pulled him by his collar to get a kiss closing the space between them.

Chloe had tried on a few more dresses that Lucifer had specifically picked out for her but there was one this she refused to put on.

"There is no way I am putting this on. I am in a dressing room and you want me to put lingerie on?" All she could do was laugh at his attempt.
"Oh come on Chloe. You would look perfect in it. Plus red is your colour" he said seductively and you could hear the smirk on his face as it crept wider.
"Ugh fine. You're so seductive when you want to be" she said as she pushed her head around the curtain to see him smirking as she thought he would be.
"Oh please... I can't turn this thing off" he said as he stood up and gestured to himself up and down, waving his hand around like a maniac.

Chloe couldn't help but laugh at this man just behind a curtain, who made her love her life even more than she did than if she was by herself. She would rather have him in her life than have one without him. Pulling the curtain back, she revealed a thong that hung lightly on her waist and a bra that barely covered her chest. Lucifer just stared at her devilishly for a few seconds and then pointed at her and said "I'm buying that for you, sexy" and then finished with a wink towards her.
"Now get properly dressed because I don't want other people to see what's mind," he said peering around the corner of the curtain and winking at the women he called his. This just made Chloe blushed as he made his way to the front of the store to wait for her.

After a few moments of Chloe getting changed back into her own clothes, she gave the clothes she didn't want to the staff member that was waiting not too far away and proceeded to make her exit with Lucifer by her side. They went into a few more shops to buy some different clothes and she even managed to persuade him to get matching rings for them to wear as a sort of promise that they would stay together through thick and thin, no matter what was happening. You could tell he was starting to struggle with two bags in his left hand, a larger one in his right hand, and a big box with laced black shoes inside, in front of him, making it hard for him to see as he moved towards the Corvet.

Putting the bags and the big box in the back seat, they drove off towards the Lakehouse. It would be a long drive but the way Lucifer talked about it, it had seemed to be worth the wait. The slight breeze relaxed the muscles in Chloe's face causing her to rest her head on the back of the seat she was sat in and make a few glances at the driver every few moments. She placed a hand on his making him look at her in confusion as Chloe pushed her head back closed her eyes. She must have fallen asleep as the next time she had opened her eyes Lucifer was waving a hand in front of her face and was playfully poking her in the stomach to wake her up.

"Hey, stop that!" She gave him a look that could kill as she pushed his finger away from her stomach.
"Come on grumpy, we're here," he said with a slight giggle (but also with a clear devil smirk on his face), and with that putting his right arm under her thighs and his left supporting her back, he picked her up bridal style walking her down the path towards the mystery lakehouse he had constantly been talking about. Opening up the door with his elbow, he entered and the warm lighting could comfort anyone that entered. The atmosphere was so relaxing and candles were lit in the middle of the living room table and even on the marble kitchen counters. It was a very open space and stairs led upstairs towards the bathroom and singular, master bedroom.

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