Another panic attack? (15)

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"Wait, what? You cant go to work. Mainly because of what happened yesterday" he whispered the last bit to make sure Trixie didn't hear them. 

"I have to go to work. Dan called and said there is a new case so I have to go" she explained.

"You can't go to work not after what happened" he replied back, shaking his head.  

"Lucifer I have to go to work, it's my job!" she said, starting to get angry. It was unlike her to get so angry, so quickly especially over nothing. Her breathing began to hitch in her throat, speeding out of control and the room started to spin. Lucifer noticed what was wrong before Trixie could decipher a situation that she wasn't taking notice of and quickly pulled Chloe into an embrace to try and calm her down. This was another panic attack and it was surprisingly worse than the first one. When she had the first one, Lucifer wasn't there to help calm her down so hopefully, he would help, and he did. He shushed her slightly in a calming tone as she focused on her breathing, remembering what her old therapist said about what to do when having one: 'to labor you're breathing, act like you're in control and to imagine herself in a place that calmed her and she did. Once Chloe pulled out of his strong arms, she pulled her hands up to her face and sighed at the situation. 

"Was that another panic attack?" Lucifer asked in a soft tone, almost as comforting as being in bed with him. Chloe didn't even pull her hands out of her face, she just nodded. She heard Lucifer sigh, giving off the impression that he was worried but then he just went dead silent as if he was stuck in his own thoughts. She forced herself to pull her hands from her face and looked at Lucifer who just stared at her with an odd expression as if he was thinking of the worst possible way that situation could have escalated. She also pushed herself deep in thought as that was the second she has had this week and she hadn't had one in years. It was only when Lucifer spoke up, was she pulled out of her own thoughts by saying: "I think that was Micheal's doing".

She was speechless by this point and she had a million questions roaming around in her own head. 'Was this Micheal's doing? What is happening to me? How do we stop it? Is there a way to stop it?'. She was beginning to want to meet this 'Micheal' and give him a piece of her mind.

"Michea... Micheal?" she stuttered over herself as she thought of the worst possibilities. He must have seen her horrified expression as he wrapped his arms around her once again, making her feel all fuzzy and warm but that didn't stop any thoughts about Micheal flood her head again. He felt her tense and he began to comfort her even further. 

"Hey. Don't worry about Micheal. We aren't even sure if it is him yet and if it is, well..." he sighed in between his sentence as if he was nervous to say anything further but he continued anyway, "I think me and him are due a brotherly talk anyway" he finished and chuckled to himself as he embraced the silence. This time though it felt like something weighed off of his chest. A relief of some sort. 

Chloe pulled away from his embrace and continued the conversation by saying: "I still have work, though and we have a case" while pointing an accused finger at him.
"If we go to work, will you tell me if there is something is going on? If you feel any possible symptoms or even small things like dizziness". Chloe sighed excessively and put a hand on his shoulder.
"I promise I will. But come on, we are going to be late" she said rushing towards the elevator, pushing Trixie with her.
"Ok, ok. I need a t-shirt first though" Lucifer said while laughing. Lucifer grabbed a navy shirt, buttoned it up, and tucked it into his black pants. He adjusted his belt, snatching his midnight black blazer on the way out. As they headed on their way out of Lux, Chloe turned to him and said: "Can we drive to Trixie's school first because we need to drop her off"

"Sure thing, Trixie can get in the back," he said with a smile on his face as he popped into the driver's seat. Chloe went around the fancy Corvette and sat in the passenger seat, Trixie already quietly sitting in the back of the car with her headphones in her ears. Soon they headed into the morning LA streets until they reached Trixie's school.

"Hey monkey," Chloe said turning around in her seat as they parked. She tapped Trixie's shoulder and she eventually took in her surrounding  "Come on, we have to get you in school" she said as Trixie and Chloe made their way out of the car.
They walked towards the entrance but Chloe stopped at the door giving her daughter a hug and a kiss on the cheek before allowing her to proceed onto the school grounds.

Once Trixie got into school, Chloe turned around and walked down the pathway back to the car. She opened the door and sat down while Lucifer put out his cigarette.
"Ready to go?" Lucifer asked as she shut the door behind her. She gave him a warm smile and that was all he needed.
"Off to the precinct we go then," he said cheerfully and headed off into the LA sunlight.

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