Wait what? (14)

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Chloe woke up beside her lover, wearing nothing but some short shorts and one of his fancy t-shirts but the surroundings weren't the same as she remembered. She fell asleep on the couch in the living room with Lucifer but, (who had only boxers and a silk robe, enough to cover up but still enough to define his strong biceps through the thin fabric) now they were snuggled up in bed together. She gave him a look of adornment and reached to cup his face in her hands. After a while of caressing his stubble, his eyes slowly fluttered open, a wide smile on his face as she pulled away in embarrassment.

"What made you stop?" Lucifer asked, his grin growing by the second. Chloe just rolled her eyes and turned onto her side so her back was towards him, hoping that he would get the hint that she was going to ignore him from this moment on. 
"Nice ass," he says chuckling. Chloe whipped around to give him a shocked look, which made him laugh at her even more. She hit him playfully on the arm and lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling.
"What's up?" Lucifer asked as his face turned from playful to concern with his eyebrows raised.
"I guess it just this whole Micheal thing. I mean how did he even do it. I still don't feel that well. Something is just off about the situation," she replied back in a distressed tone which caused Lucifer to become more concerned.
"We can talk about it now. What do you wanna know?" He said trying to reassure her that everything would be just fine but even to him, something didn't feel quite right at the moment. She turned on her hip to look at him to see that he had propped himself up with his elbow on the pillow so he could look at her. 

"What does he want?" she asked plainly but surprisingly, no emotion showed in her voice. He looked at her curiously like she would hopefully dismiss the question but he knew the Detective too well. She wouldn't let it go until she had an answer. 

"Well... He probably just wants to get under my skin. As you know, Micheal is my twin, and he and I were quite close when we all lived together as a family in Heaven but as time went on and I developed a spotlight in my father's gaze. He gradually got jealous of my position and decide to plan my downfall. I thought it was my idea but it turns out he just planted it in my head and I took the bait". He fell silent for a moment until he moved onto his back to get more comfortable and continued. 

"After that, my father sent me down to hell which I ruled for a few millennia then I came down to Earth got mixed up with a murder and well, you know the rest" he finished with a loving smile on his face as he looked at her with pure adoration. She smiled back at his dopey expression and just as she was going to say something back to him, they got interrupted. 
"MOMMY! LUCIFER!" screamed Trixie from the entrance of the bedroom but soon ran and jumped on the bed with excitement. 
"Hey Monkey, did you get good sleep?" Chloe asked as she sat up and kissed her daughter on the forehead. 
"Yeah but I'm hungry," she said with a frown on her face. They got interrupted once again, making them look in the direction of the person clearing their throat. They looked at Lucifer and he smiled backed at them.

"Well I think I should start breakfast then, shouldn't I?" he said as Trixie giggled at him for forgetting he was ever there in the first place. "What would you like, Urchin?" he asked in a posh tone as he stood up tied the silk robe around his waist tighter. 
"PANCAKES!" she shouted way too enthusiastically considering it was still morning, making Chloe groan and say: "Hey Monkey, not too loud. Mommy has a headache" while holding her head slightly to one side with the support of her hand. 

"Sorry mommy," she said in a whisper as she pulled Lucifer away to the kitchen even though, he did try to pull back. She might only be 8 but Trixie still could pull Lucifer around and he couldn't do anything about it. As he got pulled away from the bedroom by Trixie, he gave the common expression by him that meant 'helpme' but it only made Chloe giggle as she lay back onto the bed again, taking a deep breath and a minute of silence before getting up and reaching for the closet to get out some clothes for the day. 

After getting ready in her casual blue jeans and a plain white short-sleeved t-shirt with gold sunglasses that were placed, hanging on the inside of her shirt, she entered the living room to see Trixie on the red couch in the middle of tv, eating the pancakes she requested for and Lucifer in the kitchen behind the counter, cooking up some scrabbled eggs and buttering the toast in front of him (I'm just gonna pretend the bar is actually a kitchen instead because it's easier for the storyline lmao). Since Lucifer had his back to her, she went up behind him and hugged his torso while saying, "What's for breakfast then?" with a slightly, tired tone in her voice. 

"I've made some scrambled eggs and I'm just doing some toast. Here" he said as he grabbed the piece of toast he was just buttering and put it in her mouth for her. She grabbed the toast and breathed a sigh of relief as she filled her stomach, making her moan in disbelief at how delicious it tasted. Lucifer pulled her out of her thoughts as he laughed at her reaction and smiled. Her phone rang and she picked up as it was the Precinct. 

"We have a new case" she explained as hung up the phone and demolished the last bit of toast from her hand. 

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