Lux annual event (2)

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Exotic dancers partied as the music was blasting and men staring at chosen waiters.

Chloe wore a red and black bodycon dress that shaped her every curve and it didn't go unnoticed by Lucifer. Lucifer wore his casual three-piece suit and as always, looked deliciously handsome. He stared at her devilishly for a few seconds before making his way over to the bar and sitting himself down next to her. Furthermore, he eyed her as if she was some kind of luxurious dessert (cringy I know). Chloe was too interested in her shots and didn't even notice that Lucifer was sat next to her.
"Hey sexy", looking her up and down again. Chloe literally jumped out of her skin. Even though she had her eyes on the drink, she was aware of his snarky comment calling her 'sexy', but with everything at work, she decided to ignore it.

"Jeez, Lucifer. sneak up on me why don't you". That earned a sly giggle from Lucifer as he was terrible at covering up his laughter.
"So having fun?", he asked slightly amused at himself. She nodded as she gulped down another shot. This must have been her 6th shot by now ever since she walked into Lux.
"Careful there detective. You might swallow the shot glass". He giggled to himself mocking her slightly. She gave him a look and he smiled back. The kind of smile that would make your heart flutter and want to kiss him with extreme passion. Yet again she was left in a dreamy state over him.

"You might want to slow down there detective. At this rate you and I could drink the whole bar", she nodded at him without making eye contact with him as she ordered more drinks from the bar.

After a few hours of drinking and more talking, Chloe began to become dizzy. Her vision spinning from how much alcohol she had consumed. She felt oddly high but in a bizarre way. She felt the room shake and Chloe went to pull herself up off the stool. She collapsed but Lucifer was there to catch her. Her guardian devil...

Chloe woke up and it turns out its morning. The sun shining through the glass but her head was throbbing with how much she had consumed. Not remembering most of the night, she lifted herself up and only began to take notice of her surroundings. It was Lucifer's bedroom.
"Oh no. Please say I didn't", she thought to herself hugging the pillow into her cheek. Her eyes, not yet fully open as she felt something warm beside her hand. Jolting up, she discovered that there was Lucifer lying next to her curled up and holding onto her hand in his deep sleep. His chest was rose and fell in sync with his breathing and she barely was able to resist his perfect abs. She memorized every curve of his body and made a mental image in her head. She snapped out of her gaze and lay back down staring up into the ceiling. "What mistake did I make now?" She thought to herself, rolling her eyes at her past actions.

"When did I tell you to stop staring?". Suddenly, Lucifer sat up and turned to Chloe giving her a smirk. She blushed, so embarrassed at what she just did but Lucifer was having none of it. He lifted up her chin and kissed her forehead lightly. Chloe was stunned unaware of what had happened in the past few hours. She just stared blankly at his face blinking a few times to make sure she didn't look like she was crying (lol). She completely froze, mouth gaped but still effortlessly speechless.

"What?", Lucifer said innocently, giving a slight giggle in her direction. She was still stunned but managed to blurt out a faint, "I- what happened?", with sleepiness still crowding her voice.

He started explaining what happened in the moments that she can't remember (basically the whole night). Turns out she passed out in his arms because of all of the consumption of alcohol. He had to fire lift her onto his shoulders just to carry her up the stairs past all hungry eyes of businessmen either looking at Lucifer or Chloe and then proceeded to reach the penthouse elevator so he could put her down on the couch. Cute snores leaving her mouth, she was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen.

Even though she doesn't remember it she managed to get up in the middle of the night and make her way to Lucifer. He had been sitting at the bar of the penthouse, casually taking sips of his whiskey, and Chloe had came up behind him, turning his head so they were facing each other, and kissed him unexpectedly. This time Lucifer froze unsure of what to do or say but moments went by without a single word spoken. They had both accidentally made eye contact with lingering stares at each other. Their faces began to lean into each other and eventually, their lips collided. Lucifer grabbed her by the thighs, making sure her legs were wrapped around his waist, and carried her to the bedroom. Passion lingering in their kiss. The silk sheets made the experience even more fun and they were both exhausted. Under the covers, Chloe cuddling into Lucifer, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

It might have been a shock at first but it made sense. She had sex with the devil and she had to admit. It sounded like they had fun.

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