Hospital... again (17)

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"Lucifer Morningstar?" called out a nurse that had entered the room not long ago. Lucifer had been there for hours on end, waiting for some kind of update on how she was doing but they didn't give him any indication towards that. His brown, toppled hair was as he would call it, 'unprofessional' and he had his suit jacket slouched over his shoulder with the support of his hand, showing off his broad arms and white t-shirt covered chest. 

"Yes that's me," he said as he stood up and straightened out his t-shirt, making himself look at least a little bit more presentable. The nurse smiled at him before proceeding: "Did you come in with Detective Decker?" she asked and was given a response as Lucifer nodded his head in worry. She must have noticed because she tried to soothe him of his concerns.
"Don't worry, she's fine. She just needs to be eating and drinking more but she just needs to make sure she is getting daily meals. She was very sleep-deprived when she came in. To be honest, I'm not sure how she got through the day," she said by finishing with: "You can go and see her now if you would like. She is in room 102 but she might be sleeping at the moment. I would just give her time to adjust". Lucifer gave her a confused look at the word 'adjust' but decided that the detective, no... Chloe needed to be his main priority at the moment. 

Walking down the corridor and into room 102, he saw her lying in bed, head turned towards the window in a dreamy state. Not hearing him walk into the room, he slowly walked towards her, calling her name but she didn't answer. Just continued to stare off into the distance of the open window.

"Chloe!" he said a little bit louder. She whipped her head around to see who it was but then smiled softly at him.
"Hey," she said softly as she pulled her arms up in front of her to indicate to Lucifer that she wanted a hug but winced in pain when she went too far. His face clouded with confusion when she hissed in pain, placing a hand on her side. Arriving at the side of the bed, she pulled up her hospital gown and her eyes were wide as saucers when she saw the two puncture marks on the left side of her hip. They looked at each other at the same time, both faces crumpled up in confusion but before anyone could say anything, "Mommy?" said a little girl from behind Lucifer. 

"Hey, monkey". The raspiness of her voice surprised her, making her face crumple up in disbelief. Her daughter smiled at her and jumped onto the hospital bed to hug her mother. Chloe winced at the sudden contact of Trixie hugging her but almost instantly eased into the hug as it had automatically comforted her. Pulling back from the hug, Trixie looked at her mother who had a confused look on her face and sighed while shaking her head.
"Are you hurt again, mommy?", she asked in the sweetest tone possible. Chloe's face softened and she tugged a piece of hair behind Trixie's ear and said: "Don't worry baby. I'm okay. I just need some rest that's all".

Smiling down at her daughter, she didn't even realise that Lucifer had exited the room without another word. Strutting down the hallway as doctors and nurses looked at him as he passed, he saw the same nurse that he had a conversation with earlier about Chloe. He needed to find out what that bruised area on her hip was. It was as if she had been injected with something and she hadn't even noticed. Keeping his anger in control, he tapped on her shoulder and she turned around from the conversation she was having and excused herself.

"Yes, Mr. Morningstar... What would you like?" she said politely, "I already showed you the room of Detective Decker, didn't I?", pointing in the direction of Chloe's room. Her voice was laced with venom as she basically spat the words in his face. 
"What did you do to her?" he asked, seething to keep his anger under control. A sinister smirk spread across her face as she explained, "I didn't do anything but..." she paused for a second, looking at the thin air behind his head before refocusing and continuing by saying, "I wasn't the one who drugged her. He looked a lot like you actually but he had a giant scar that went from the left part of his forehead to the opposite cheek. Odd really...". Lucifer mentally growled.
"Where did he go? What's that arsehole's plan?"

He asked, not necessarily directing the question to anyone as he thought of what kind of lengths his physco twin of a brother would go to. He needed to think, alone but furthermore, he needed answers. He wasn't going to be able to rest until the detective was safe. It's not like he didn't trust the hospital but he thought of having the devil, a possible demon, and a possible angel (Amenadiel) by her side was a much more comforting thought than it actually needed to be.

Pulling a hand over his tired face, he walked back over to room 102, glancing through the window of the door, seeing that she was turned onto her side, Trixie snuggled up into her chest as Chloe ran her gentle fingertips through her daughter's hair. They were both exhausted by the hectic day they had and Trixie looked like she was already asleep in her mother's arms. Quickly dialing Maze's number into his phone, he called the demon and told her to come to the hospital immediately. His tone was stronger than ever and Maze knew she had to get there fast.

As she just finished off a bounty, it was clear that inconvenience was laced in her tone as she spoke from the other end of the phone. A few minutes later, Maze entered the hospital, tilting her head to the side in confusion on why she was here but proceeded to walk in anyway. Lucifer would most likely explain.




Author's Note:

Omgg. I finally updated this story. I was beginning to think it wasn't going to happen. I'm in the middle of writing my New Vemon/Lucifer story that I will post soon. Possibly tomorrow if I remember! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't know when you might get another one for this story haha

Stay Safe x

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