Crime scene (16)

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Heading towards the precinct was as bad as it usually was. The traffic had died down considering it was a little later than they would normally be arriving at work. As they both exited the black, sleek Corvet at the same time, they walked hand in hand towards the double doors. Opening them and walking down the stairs, they were greeted by a very cheery Ms. Lopez.

"Ohh... The lovebirds have entered the building" she said laughing to herself.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." Chloe said before sniffling a laugh and continuing, "So we have a new case?", coming out as more of a question than an actual statement.
"Yeah, we do. They just sent us the address so we should really get going" she finished with a nervous laugh, rushing out of the door. Chloe and Lucifer both looked at each other with equal confusion before brushing it off and exiting the precinct themselves. Getting into the car once again, they headed off to 'Abbey Street' where the supposed crime scene would officially be.

Once arriving and Lucifer parking the car as close to the crime scene that he could get, they both got out of the car and made their way over to Ella, already waiting for them with her camera out, snapping pictures of the body at certain angles. She waved them over to the body, and Chloe cringed at the sight in front of her.


The man lay on the floor was covered in blood, streaks across his face as if he had been violently scratched. His normal clothes were now ragged and ripped as if he had gotten into a rather violent fight. A big gash on his head and cuts scattered his body. This was just like any normal crime scene that Chloe would arrive at but something about this particular scene made her feel sick to her stomach. She looked walked away for a moment, letting the air enter her lungs before she was pulled into another one of those dreadful panic attacks. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she whipped around to see a worried Lucifer looking at her.

"Are you okay? You don't look very well, Chloe" he asked. Chloe. He used her name.  As she was dragged out of her dosing-off faze, she looked at him before processing that the question was actually directed at her.
"Yeah... yeah, fine" she replied back, sympathetic for his question but at the same time, trying to avoid the concerned gaze that was thrown in her direction.
"Do you wanna go home? We can ditch the crime scene if you want to," he explained, tilting her head upwards so her eyes met his.
"Lucifer it's okay, I feel fine," she said, holding her head with a confused look in her eyes.

As she said that, her eyes rolled to the back of her head but before she could hit the ground, Lucifer held out his arms catching her by the waist. Pulling the hair that covered her face, the moment was interrupted by Ms. Lopez running over to their direction, looking at the collapsed Chloe in Lucifer's grip.

"Oh my god. What happened?!" She asked, panic evident in her voice.
"She just collapsed and I caught her before she could hit the floor. I can take her to the penthouse. She is probably just sleep-deprived after everything that has gone on lately" he responded, the last bit more to himself. Only he and Chloe would understand anyway.
"Your penthouse? No, you need to get her to hospital, Lucifer!" She said but continuing her rant with, "Just collapsing isn't normal behavior" while waving her hands around in a panic.
"Okay, ok Ms. Lopez. I will take her to the hospital" he said as he put a hand in front of his, pausing her rant temporarily.

Lucifer adjusted the beautiful woman in his arms, carrying her bridal style towards his Corvet. He always wanted a memory like this but he thought that she would at least be awake and it to be under completely different circumstances. Placing her in the black, leather passenger seat, he buckled her in with her seat belt before leaving a soft kiss on her forehead and moving around the car to sit in the driver's seat.

As he arrived at the hospital, the nurses and doctors surrounded him and Chloe before taking her from his arms, resting her onto a hospital bed, and walking to a certain room with a waiting area outside of it. He tried to follow them but was soon stopped by the shutting of the metal doors in front of him. He sighed, catching his breath and replaying the moments that had just happened, over and over in his head. The panic rose in his chest as walls began to close and collapse in on his chest but he had to stay strong for Chloe like she had to stay strong for him. Lucifer knew they should have never gone to work as it would have most likely ended in disaster that it did.

Was it his fault that he didn't stop her from going into the precinct this morning and accepting the case? His thoughts wandered to the conversation they had the following morning about dizzy spells and her telling him if she felt any sicker or not. Then a name popped into his head and before he could process any more of his thoughts, his fists clenched involuntarily, turning white and the soft brown in his eyes shifting to a violent, crimson red before flashing back.


Once Lucifer got his hands on his twin brother, who knows what might happen. Especially after hurting his detective.

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