Dinner (6)

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Grabbing her phone and keys from the side of the kitchen counter, she headed for the door and locked it behind her. Lucifer was sat casually in his leather seat on the driveway, his phone in his right hand and a lit cigarette in his mouth while his left hand reached up to pull the cigarette out of his mouth to release the smoke built up inside. He had noticed her presents and opened the door, pulling himself out of the corvet.

He walked around to her side of the car and opened the door for her, being the gentleman he usually is. Chloe looked flattered and she felt a blush spread across her face, making her even more embarrassed than she already was. Lucifer just laughed as she got in the car and as he closed the door behind her, he leaped over to get back into his own seat. Once he started the car, they got on the road and Chloe began to shiver at the breeze that went through her curly hair.

"Are you cold?" Lucifer asked as concern laced his voice.
"A bit yeah" she made her answer simple.
He began to move in his seat which caused Chloe to turn her head in his direction. He took off his suit jacket and handed it to her as a sort of caring gesture. She put it on but the sleeves were way too long for her so she rolled them up. Chloe smiled at his gesture, looking up at him to see that he was quite amused at her actions. She folded her arms in anger but it just made him laugh even more.

They had finally arrived at the restaurant after a 10-minute drive and they pulled up to the front of the building. It looked really fancy to Chloe's standards of dinner but Lucifer was used to the amount of money he spent daily. She didn't even want to think about it. Once again, Lucifer came to the side of the car but this time opening the door and putting a hand in front of her. She grabbed his hand for support as she got out of the car and he handed the valet the keys to his car and then whispering something into the young boy's ear. It was probably a threat about if he scratched the car that he would take him down to hell and he would be punished or something, Chloe thought as she looked at him with disapproval. Considering they were quite close to each other, he didn't notice her frustration.

Walking through the double doors of the restaurant, Chloe generally gasped at the sight of the giant chandelier in the middle of the room glistening as the lights hit it at the perfect angle. Tables and chairs were set out perfectly across the room and it was filled with warm and comforting colours like creams, browns, and shallow reds. The front desk sat perfectly in front of the entrance as a woman in uniform greeted people as they walked in and were set at different tables around the room.

"Good afternoon sir. Ma'am" said the woman at the front desk. Looking at Chloe and then passing her gaze onto Lucifer, she eyed him up and down as if she was fascinated by what she saw. Chloe was used to this kind of reaction as he was usually the centre of attention because of his astonishing looks.

"Good afternoon" Lucifer examined her to his standard. Chloe gripped onto his arm a little tighter in disapproval and it caused him to look down in worry.
"I have a reservation under the name morningstar for two people," says Lucifer looking down at Chloe still.
"Hold on let me check" replied back the woman at the counter, pulling out the trance she was in, reducing her stare at Lucifer. "Ah here it is. Follow me and I will take you to your table".
She removed herself from the desk and proceed to walk towards a table in the back corner of the room. Lucifer and Chloe following not far behind. As they all stopped in front of the table before Chloe was able to sit down, Lucifer basically jumped in front of her chair just to pull it out for her. She looked at him and giggled in amusement, then sat down in the chair. The waiter placed down the menus in front of them and Lucifer took his own seat.

"What would you like?" said Lucifer in a polite tone.
"I think I'll have the roasted lamb and potatoes please," she said to the waiter as he waited for the reply to Lucifer's question.

"I'll have the beef lasagne with mac n cheese to share for the table". The waiter nodded his head and left the table with a smile on his face. After the conversation with the waiter, Lucifer turned his attention towards Chloe and how stunning she looked. Staring at her for a few moments, Chloe noticed and had moved uncomfortably at his gaze and pushed him out of his trance."So how have you been lately? I feel like I haven't seen you" Lucifer said while breaking the uncomfortable awkward silence.
"Yeah fine. I've just been a bit busy lately because it was Trixie's play performance the other day and then work has been really stressful at the moment" she explained. This eased them into a little more conversation and when their food arrived it continued. Lucifer had brought up the conversation about Trixie again and then they talked about Ella and Dan (their work colleagues).

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