The day after (3)

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It was a few days after and a new case had come to Chloe's attention. The Miller case. Two bodies slashed. It looked like they were a couple because even in death they showed a passion for each other and stayed by each other's side.

While Ella was taking photos of the victims and analyzing evidence, Chloe gave a glance or two at Lucifer as he was leaned against his parked Chevrolet Corvette Cl taking a sip from his flask of whiskey. Even though she didn't remember most of it, she could forget the time she had sex with the devil. He had caught her glance and they locked eyes. They hadn't talked that much since that night and it was weirdly awkward between them but in reality, all Chloe wanted to do at that moment was to push him against a wall and rip his clothes off passionately. The temptation almost consumed her but she managed to control herself for the time being.

Back at the precinct, Chloe was doing paperwork from other crime scenes and Ella was in the lab, analyzing samples at the crime scenes they were just at. This time Lucifer was the one giving lingering looks in her direction. As Lucifer wasn't a shy type of person, he walked up to her asking her about her day and sitting himself on the office chair in front of her desk. They talked for a bit while Chloe continued with the paperwork. After an hour of sitting at her desk desiring conversation with her, Ella burst out of the lab with a lead that could change the perspective of the case.

"Chloe, Lucifer. I got a lead" Ella began to explain. "Turns out there was a hairbrush at the crime scene but I thought it must have been the victims so I tuck it for evidence to analysis later but actually this isn't her hairbrush. This is someone else's and guess who was seen leaving the scene of the crime a few hours before".
"Who?", Lucifer and Chloe asked at the same time and looking at each other with confusion.
"Jeremy Wilson. The ex-husband", she explained further, "and I even got an address for you". Ella handed Chloe a piece of paper and unfolding it, showing an address of a place not far from the precinct.
"Ella... You are amazing". She smiled at her and ran off as Lucifer followed like a lost puppy.

They both got in the car and Chloe was ready to catch this guy. She had picked up on the speed without even noticing and Lucifer for some odd reason began breathing heavily so she slowed the car back to the average speed limit. "You should slow down detective", he stated. After a while, his breathing steadied.
"Are you okay Lucifer? You look a little pale" she gave a concerning look in his direction but most of her concentration was on the road ahead. He started breathing heavily again as if he was experiencing some sort of panic attack. She was lost for words as she jolted the car to a stop parking next to the pavement. Chloe put her hand on his cheek slightly caressing the bone to comfort him. Lucifer put his hand on hers and braced her warmth. She was adorable in his eyes and he never regretted taking his eyes off of her. His breathing began to soothe again.

Parked on a freeway, a car was speeding behind, way past the speed limit, and caused a car crash. This collision caused manic on other passengers and a car went into the back of Chloe and Lucifer. Lucifer saw the car go into the back of them like slow motion and braced for impact, jumping over to Chloe to hug and protect her. Hands over her head, shielding her from the soon-to-be crashed car. A piece of glass through his leg, causing him to gasp in pain. It was excruciating but after all, he was protecting her and that was all that mattered.

After the collision, Chloe was in a panic with Lucifer bleeding out on his seat. Immediately calling an ambulance, she put pressure on the wound and gave him a worried look. He started to look even paler by the minute so she tried to comfort him before the ambulance came. A few minutes later, they got them both out of the car and hurried, placing Lucifer out on a stretcher. Chloe stood there in pure shock before looking at her car. It was a mess so she had to call Dan to drive her to the hospital. Blood smeared all over her white jumper and beige trousers. All she could think about was if he was okay and if he would survive. It was traumatizing. The image of him bleeding on car seat stuck in her head and she couldn't shake the pained look his face held. It felt like it took forever just to get to the hospital. Chloe began to feel impatient because of Dan's slow driving and was about to get out of the car but they finally arrived. Running through the front doors, she went straight to reception and asked for his room.

"Lucifer Morningstar?", she stopped in front of the desk as tears ran down her face. You could see in the receptionists' eyes. The shocked-looking receptionist glanced at her bloody clothes and then back to her face.
"What room?" Chloe shouted and the receptionist jolted in her seat, immediately turning to the computer in front of her.
Replying quickly, she said "Floor 3, Room B2. He's just been in surgery so he should be resting in his room".

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